
Hunger Games Theme Essay

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In The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the theme is that when one is put in a difficult situation, they should always remember to keep in touch with their humanity and to not let people change who they are. For instance, when Peeta was forced to participate in the games, his main priority was to avoid becoming like everyone else, someone who is not afraid to kill. “I don’t want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I’m not” (Collins 141). This shows that even if the result is death, Peeta would not allow the Gamemakers’ to take away his morals, to take away all he has left. In fact, most are already afraid to be their true selves, afraid of what the Capitol will do if they rebel. “I’m ashamed I never tried to help her in the woods. That i let the capitol kill the boy …show more content…

As time passes, I focus on everyone's faces, their reactions, their hope fading fast. Eventually, Effie comes to the stage and wastes no time to call the next victim to join the Games (Call to Adventure). After what seems forever, the first is called, Prim Everdeen. I’m shocked and feel a pit in my stomach. Although Prim is not a part of my family, she is Katniss’s sister. I instantly look to Katniss, she is screaming, calling out Prim’s name, refusing to let them take her sister (Refusal of the Call). Without thinking, she volunteers. Everything went by so fast, and it’s all a blur. Just earlier that morning everything was alright, but now… Katniss is on her way to fight for her life against eleven other tributes. As much as I don't want to watch the Games, especially this year, the Gamemakers don't give me a choice. I am forced to watch my best friend kill or be killed. Right now Katniss is on her way to the Capitol, to meet her Mentor, Haymitch. Haymitch is the one and only winner from District 12 and he’s supposed to help Katniss train, plan a strategy, and get sponsors to survive The Hunger

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