How many people eat and hunt for turkeys each year? There's way too many I have to hide and run to live but they always use decoys to attract us. One time it was me and my best friend a hunter had shot him to death and I was hit with one BB. I got to live another day but for how long. Can you believe that we used to be an national symbol. Even Benjamin Franklin was for us to be a symbol. I even seen my own mom get shot at good thing he is just a little boy because she got grazed that's it. But uncle Charley wasn't so lucky we had ventured to someone's yard and they kind of shot him then cooked him. I mean sure we taste good i mean look at this roundness who wouldn't want me. Later I found out that they always don't look for the big ones only the ones with a good beard. I just want to say how fat are you guys to eat 45,000,000 turkeys a year maybe we should hunt you for food but you don't look that good. We eat all this healthy food just so we can be full sized it a couple of months but some of us don't grow and they just kill us. Only …show more content…
If we are younger than 16 months were called a fryer but if a young roaster five to seven months. But I'm sure you don't care as long as we grow you'll gonna eat. But we are so lucky because we can see in color and have excellent hearing. We also can see about 270 degrees good thing because you can't really sneak up on us. We have a terrible sense of smell but a great taste. So if you stink we can't smell so i guess that's what makes so stupid for what we eat. even though we are stupid Benjamin Franklin believed we better then the eagle because it was a coward. If i was a domestic turkey i couldn't fly but sense I'm not i can to fly. We can fly up to 55 miles per hour and run up to 25 mils per hour. We have really sharp and crazy tall ens on our feet but were too stupid to use them against you only each other. So i guess I'm trying to say is back off
In the essays, “Turkeys in the Kitchen” by Dave Barry, and “Just Walk on By” by Brent Staples, they argue the theme of gender, and racial stereotypes that have been present in our world from the very beginning. Barry suggests through a sarcastic and humors tone that gender stereotypes have been present since before the start of time; he uses a highly conversational style to prove this, as well as narrates to give the reader a better understanding of exactly what he’s talking about. Staples, on the other hand, uses a more authoritative tone to support his theme of racial stereotyping; he also uses the mode of rhetoric exemplification to his benefit, and is able to show the audience that this issue is just as important as the gender
Both essays cover two very different subjects Dave Barry’s essay covers sexism as he chose Thanksgiving dinner prep as the focus point so that he can point out how a simple family gathering is one the most sexist events that happens throughout a year. While David Sedaris takes place in his youth, right away you can tell that young David is plagued with severe OCD and not the cleaning kind. His essay starts out with his teacher scolding him for licking the light switches in the classroom, and he doesn’t understand why he gets in trouble for it. Both essays are done very well and both are connected by humor. Dave Barry on sexism and David Sedaris on mental illness but David Sedairs’s in my opinion is the better essay.
Turkey hunting is one of my favorite hunts. You get to sit there in camo be out in the wilderness, but there are somethings that can go wrong. I am going to talk to you all about the best things to do when you are turkey hunting to make you more successful when hunting. The three things I will be talking about is the preseason scouting, the different weapons to use when turkey hunting, and best places and information about the places to turkey hunt.
Hunters are getting their equipment ready to celebrate the opening of hunting season. This year the town of Pine Apple is holding their annual event making this year’s hunting season even more memorable. The twentieth annual “Hunter Appreciation Day” is presented to hunters in the area as a thank you for their support, keeping up with the rich heritage of the area and their interest in this particular type of sport.
As my thesis states we don’t know what to eat because we can eat everything. That is a problem because as he states on page 103 “ Today the modern omnivore has almost no culture to fall back on” Culture is important because it tells us what to eat. And it tells us what our ancestors ate.For lot of other people like mexicans, they have always ate rice and beans. “For some animals there is no dilemma at dinner”(101). For years the fisher cat has just ate meat and the crow has just eaten and seeds and mice. Because that is all they need. But we have too many options to choose from, and we don’t need all of them.
Obviously, no one is taking 200 yard shots with even the most powerful crossbow, so long range capability isn't a concern while bow hunting. Now it may be a big concern to the bow hunter who also uses a rifle (or even just plays golf, but that's another topic). But just focusing on the act of bow hunting, the typical 100 yard range limit of most dedicated bow hunting range finders would be fine.
This Weekend I went turkey hunting by the white river. It was supposed to be the ultimate weekend Turkey hunting in the morning and trout fishing in the afternoon. I honestly thought what could go wrong. The first morning we went out to hunt it started out slow which is unbelievable because we were chasing the turkeys. We got out about a mile into the woods and got our calls out. I start calling and don't even get to the second scrape when “GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!” I hear loud and clear i signal my uncle over to tell him we need to set up and we did.
One Yulin meat market vendor shouted at animal rights protesters: “You eat turkey, so why are you forcing us not to eat dog meat?” This of of course is a deflection argument put forth by an uneducated defender of this barbaric practice whose only argument is to create an excuse that is better suited for an elementary school yard debate.
First, think about it, do you really want to eat me? Bro, you're already fat, do you want to gain more weight? Do you know what we go though just to get killed on thanksgiving. If you didn't know we cause cancer and diabetes, do you really want cancer? Do you think we are actually worth cancer and diabetes .
As November begins, the turkey’s living in my shed all start fearing for their lives. They all know that once a year, almost all, if not all turkey’s are killed just for the pleasure to humans. Considering 45 million of turkey’s a year are cooked, i understand why they are scared. No one goes around killing 45 million humans for one single holiday, So why should it be any different for us? But then, i started thinking, how do some grow so much bigger than others? Not only are the humans killing us to eat us, steroids are being put in our food so we can get bigger and please humans even more, Why don’t we all just bow down to them, they practically control us!
Waking up before the rising sun on the morning of the hunt left me feeling groggy with my eyes slow to open and close when blinking. Being extra quiet to not wake up my mother was a main challenge, trying to tippy toe around the cabin and dodging the creaky spots in the floor. Prior to eating breakfast, I began getting dressed. Due to the fact that I was in northern Minnesota, the weather was bone chilling and the wind would seep right through your layers onto your unexpecting skin. Once I had put on my long johns, sweatpants, and long sleeve shirt with a tee shirt on top I began to make my breakfast. I had decided to have scrambled eggs that were cooked to perfection with the yolk golden mixed in with the pure snow white egg white and flakes of pepper sprinkled throughout and toast with butter melted onto the crunchy outside making it soft with homemade strawberry jam spread thick on top.
Hunting is a part of our culture and has been all throughout history. “Our prehistoric ancestors were hunters. To them, animals were as sacred as life itself. A good hunt assured survival.” (National Shooting Sports Foundation) . If our ancestors didn’t hunt, then they didn’t live. They relied on it for the survival of their families.
Did you know that more people are becoming vegan because of the positive effects it has on the environment? For years I have witnessed the vile death of my family and now it is my turn to accept the same fate as they have but I can not stand for this cruel act. Many turkeys are dying because of this cursed holiday and I shall not stand for it. I believe that you should not kill turkeys are any other weak and innocent animal because of its negative effect on your body. It can cause diseases in your body and can cause harm to the environment. Hopefully, after explaining my reasons to you, you and your kind will soon see your wrongdoing and finally help the world become a better place.
Animal meat has all necessary nutrients, especially protein that is necessary for the human body to grow and function properly. Besides, it plays a vital role in brain development. As suggested by Smil (2013), “Killing animals and eating meat have been significant components of human evolution…have inevitably contributed to the evolution of human intelligence…” (p.1). According to the findings of the University of Colorado (2012), anthropologists have excavated a toddler’s “skull fragment” in Tanzania that is the abnormally tiny size of skull, due to a protein deficiency in the diet and led to youth mortality; this condition was very rare in 1.8 million years ago. This indicates that animal meat is a paramount in the human body, without the essential amino acids that exists in animal meats; human evolution cannot happen (p.1).
INTRO: I never thought I would feel so awful after pulling that trigger and watching that innocent animal give it’s life to me. I was only ten years old and my life was certainly impacted forever. Nowadays, many people think that pulling the trigger of a gun is not hard at all. In reality, it might be pretty easy. It is the aftermath on the other hand that will leave an internal scar, changing a person forever. On my first deer hunt, a young buck stepped out of the dense willow clusters with it’s head down, giving me a shot. Soon I would be faced with the tough decision of taking the life of an innocent animal. Meanwhile, on my first turkey hunt, there too I would soon be changed forever.