
Hurricane: The Most Powerful Storm To Hit The Earth

Decent Essays

A hurricane is considered to be one of the most powerful storms to hit the earth. Some hurricanes take out entire towns. These storms have the power to tear apart homes leaving many devastated. Also it has the power to sometimes destory food supplies and take out electricity for towns. Hurricanes are violent cyclones that develope in the Tropics and massive destruction.
A hurricane is a very violent storms. No other storm is as large and powerful as the hurricane, or orthewise known as a cyclone or typhoon. These storms are some of the strongest(Lauber,19). A very strong part of the storm is the surge. A surge is a rise of water. In all hurricanes, 90% of the deaths are caused by these surges. Some surges can be 20 feet in height and 100 miles wide ( As Treaster said "The greatest killing power is the space of prehaps 10 to 20 miles between the sleeves, known as the eye wall." (Treaster,19). Another part of this violent storm is its wind. A category 1 hurricane has winds up to 75-95 mph. But a category 4 hurricane can exceed wind speeds of 131-156 mph. Category 5 hurricane has wind speeds of 157 mph or …show more content…

It also get its name in this stage like Tropical Storm Gustave. If this storm keeps its wind speed of more than 74 mph for an hour, then it is given the title typhoon, cylone, or hurricane, depending on what part of the world it is in. Hurricanes get their name when their wind speeds hit around 75 mph. Hurricanes generally strengthen over warm bodies of water and weaken over land masses. Hurricanes are placed into categories based on their wind speed. There are five categories of these storms. Category 1 is the weakest and five is the most powerful. Winds range from 75 to 95 mph in the category 1. Category 2 is 96-110 mph. Category 3 is when it starts to get major at 111-129 mph. Category 4 has whopping 130-156 mph, while category 5 exceeds 157

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