
Hyperhidrosis Research Paper

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Hyperhidrosis “Hyperhidrosis is a chronic, autonomic disorder that can be debilitating and lead to social and emotional embarrassment, as well as occupational, physical and psychological disability.” ( Lakraj, Moghimi, & Jabbari, 2013). Hyperhidrosis patients often sweat excessively in mild weather and at rest. Hyperhidrosis is characterized by primary focal sweating and secondary generalized sweating. Primary focal hyperhidrosis is not generalized sweating, but focuses on certain body regions; palmer (hands), plantar (feet), cranial (face) and axillary (armpits). Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis is typically diagnosed with a medical condition or is a side effect from certain medications. Examples would be cancer, heart disease, stroke, …show more content…

Dermatologists estimate that 3% of people in the United States have hyperhidrosis. (American Academy of Dermatology , 2015). Symptoms for hyperhidrosis are simply expressed as excessively and uncontrollably sweating on certain regions on your body. Plantar and palmer hyperhidrosis interfere with normal day-to-day activities that others who don’t suffer from it, take for granted. For example, walking in sandals; with plantar hyperhidrosis, your feet slip and slide in the shoe causing difficulty in walking and possibly tripping. Palmer hyperhidrosis interferes with the ability to grip things, hold a pencil or simply introducing yourself with a handshake. Cranial Hyperhidrosis causes excess sweat on the forehead, upper lip, and …show more content…

Many sufferers don’t speak about their disease. Hyperhidrosis tends to be something that is more privately regulated, due to the social stigma of sweating and general lack of information regarding a cure. Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis must instead take steps to merely manage the disease until more focused epidemiological and physiological research is done on the excretory system in relation to this disease. Bibliography Lakraj, A.-A. D., Moghimi, N., & Jabbari, B. (2013, April 23). Hyperhidrosis: Anatomy, Pathophysiology and Treatment with Emphasis on the Role of Botulinum Toxins. Retrieved September 11, 2015, from PMC: American Academy of Dermatology . (2015, n/a n/a). Hyperhidrosis: Who gets and causes. Retrieved Septemver 11, 2015, from American Academy of Dermatology : International Hyperhidrosis Society . (2014, n/a n/a). Physiology of Normal Sweating. Retrieved September 11, 2015, from International Hyperhidrosis Society :

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