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Antiperspirant Intel: 5 Myths You Need to Know

Know Sweat: Falsehoods and Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Antiperspirants...But Should!

By Merilee Kern, MBA

Sweat understandably gets a bad rap. It can ruin our hair; our clothes; our furniture; our mood; our image at home, work and socially; our ability to exercise, play music and handle gadgets; and far more. And while men tend to sweat more than women under normal circumstances, both genders are equally impacted by hyperhidrosis—a serious medical condition causing people to sweat excessively (up to 4 or 5 times more than normal). In fact, according to the International Hyperhidrosis Society—the scholars of sweat—nearly 367 million people of all ages struggle with hyperhidrosis on their hands, feet, face, underarms, or body.

Those living with hyperhidrosis suffer from extreme, uncomfortable, embarrassing, and emotionally-devastating sweating. In fact, an infographic from Dermira — an innovative biotech dedicated to developing treatments for chronic skin conditions — is rife with scary hyperhidrosis statistics and sheds revealing light on this debilitating sweat-inducing condition.

Whether you sweat situationally at a normal level or have clinical hyperhidrosis, there’s one shared weapon: antiperspirants. Love them or hate them, pretty much all of us need—or could certainly benefit—from them. But buyer beware; all antiperspirants are not created equal. And some misnomers exist about antiperspirants that are

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