Antiperspirant Intel: 5 Myths You Need to Know
Know Sweat: Falsehoods and Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Antiperspirants...But Should!
By Merilee Kern, MBA
Sweat understandably gets a bad rap. It can ruin our hair; our clothes; our furniture; our mood; our image at home, work and socially; our ability to exercise, play music and handle gadgets; and far more. And while men tend to sweat more than women under normal circumstances, both genders are equally impacted by hyperhidrosis—a serious medical condition causing people to sweat excessively (up to 4 or 5 times more than normal). In fact, according to the International Hyperhidrosis Society—the scholars of sweat—nearly 367 million people of all ages struggle with hyperhidrosis on their hands, feet, face, underarms, or body.
Those living with hyperhidrosis suffer from extreme, uncomfortable, embarrassing, and emotionally-devastating sweating. In fact, an infographic from Dermira — an innovative biotech dedicated to developing treatments for chronic skin conditions — is rife with scary hyperhidrosis statistics and sheds revealing light on this debilitating sweat-inducing condition.
Whether you sweat situationally at a normal level or have clinical hyperhidrosis, there’s one shared weapon: antiperspirants. Love them or hate them, pretty much all of us need—or could certainly benefit—from them. But buyer beware; all antiperspirants are not created equal. And some misnomers exist about antiperspirants that are
When the body overheats, the increased temperature is detected by the hypothalamus and cooling methods are introduced. More blood is pumped to the skin surface thus ridding bodily heat. The sweat glands are stimulated to produce more sweat which is evaporated and cools the skin. The more heat lost during perspiration, the quicker the internal imbalance is rectified.
Six months ago, corporate daycare facilities were cleaning out my bank account. I was losing the ability to pay for gas, rent and my utilities because all my money was going towards my son’s weekly daycare tuition. My parents could help me scrap on by here and there but that wasn’t there responsibly. It was then that my mother suggested that I should look into putting my son into a local licensed in home daycare facility opposed to a major corporate daycare facility. I was a little skeptical at first, but I
“Hyperhidrosis is a chronic, autonomic disorder that can be debilitating and lead to social and emotional embarrassment, as well as occupational, physical and psychological disability.” ( Lakraj, Moghimi, & Jabbari, 2013). Hyperhidrosis patients often sweat excessively in mild weather and at rest. Hyperhidrosis is characterized by primary focal sweating and secondary generalized sweating. Primary focal hyperhidrosis is not generalized sweating, but focuses on certain body regions; palmer (hands), plantar (feet), cranial (face) and axillary (armpits). Secondary generalized hyperhidrosis is typically diagnosed with a medical condition or is a side effect from certain medications. Examples would be cancer, heart disease, stroke,
The issue of sweating more than is necessary in the medical parlance is referred to as hyperhidrosis which is a medical condition that can make you uncomfortable, feel embarrassed and in some rare cases develop a low or poor self-esteem. It is, however, important for you to know that this medical condition can be treated with the use of any one of the iontophoresis machines available in the market. One of the best machines that you can make use of for the treatment of this medical condition is the Idromed 5 PS which is a device that is manufactured to help treat this medical condition existing in any part of your body with the purchase of extra adapters. A review of this product will help you appreciate and understand the product and this article will do a thorough brief review of this product.
This condition can interfere with a person's life. Fortunately, Infini RF treatments can help treat hyperhidrosis.
We went about the research and production in a few steps. First we made a power point video and then we did a voice over on the video. The video was made from slides of words and pictures that we found on the internet. We also found data on the subject. One fact that the Daily Mail found out was that one in five men admitted to never using deodorant or any other kind of body spray (Tozer, 2011). We also found out through the Huffington Post that deodorant has antibacterial that stops the stink of body odor before it happens while antiperspirants deal with sweat directly (Klein, 2013). The final fact we found that was interesting is
One way how to stop armpit sweating is to simply change the way you're dressing. This involves wearing more natural fibers that allow your body to breathe, such as wool and cotton. You want to eliminate fibers such as polyester, nylon and the like.
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing eczematous skin disease characterized by pruritus and inflammation and accompanied by cutaneous physiological dysfunction with majority of patients having a personal or family history of “atopic diathesis”. The term Atopic Diathesis refers to the presence of allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma or AD.1The first recorded reference to Hippocrates described a condition characterized as ‘itching’ over patient’s whole body ,over 2500 years ago.2 The concept of “atopy” (derived from the Greek atopia, meaning “different” or “out of place”) was originally proposed in 1923 and included asthma and allergic rhinitis, but in 1933, AD was added to the group of atopic disorders on the basis of association of
Summer has arrived in all its glory ad has brought a list of skin problems with it, especially sweating. Sweat is an odorless fluid secreted by the sweat glands. Yes, you read that right! It is odorless. But when sweat comes in contact with the bacteria covering the surface of our skin, an unbearable odor is produced. And you'd be surprised to know that the body part in which most number of sweat glands are concentrated, is your feet.
Aluminum has been present in both deodorants and antiperspirant since the late 19th century. While deodorant itself underwent various incarnations up until the late 1970s, aluminum has remained a primary ingredient due to its unique abilities to interact with the skin and sweat glands. Alumium ions impact the eccrine-gland ducts right near your skin's surface. These ions are drawn directly into the skin, taking any water with
Attention- getter: What would you do if somebody came into this classroom and pointed a gun at you as if they were going to kill you for no reason? First thing that would come to mind
People who have problems with body odor, often unconsciously because they are familiarity with the smell of their own, Sometimes they may need closer friends to warn. There are many factors that caused odor, Mostly is caused by skin bacteria activity on sweat, sweat is the wasted of fat, protein or starch from the food that we eat. When sweat came out and mixed with bacteria on the skin, so it will be spoiled, then a bad smell will happen. This makes people who sweat excessively more likely to be affected. In actually only the sweat does not have the smell but the odor arising from the accumulation of sweat even if the sweat out in the areas where hair growth is much greater caused if it more damped it will have more smelly. So you should thoroughly clean the body, does not leave the body to be damp from perspiration and wear the clothes that
Hyperhidrosis is a term that is more commonly referred to as excessive sweating, and will be the epicenter of research in my paper. Though the condition is nowhere near fatal, I am intrigued by the fact that hyperhidrosis becomes deadly in its inconvenience. People who are afflicted with chronic hyperhidrosis have their daily and social lives impeded by sweat, and the number is steadily increasing. An estimated two to three percent of all Americans suffer from varying degrees of hyperhidrosis, affecting anywhere from the underarms to the palms of hands. A heavy sweater myself, I could only think of the implications that long-term sufferers of hyperhidrosis must contend with on a daily basis. In my paper, I will use scientific research to exemplify
For some women, hot flashes and night sweats are infrequent and manageable. But for others, they can be intense and interfere with quality of life.
Excessive perspiration is a major issue for many people in today’s society. With American culture placing increasing value on the importance of physical perfection, the issue of visual sweat has grown. However, the perception of exorbitant perspiration varies from situation to situation; when working out, being extremely nervous, and out of place sweating are viewed very differently.