
Hysterectomy Essay

Decent Essays

As previously mention, hysterectomy is the most frequent non pregnancies related surgeries performed on women in the United States (Qi et al., 2013). Hysterectomies are the 2nd most commonly performed procedures among women of childbearing age (Everyday Health, 2015). The majority of women that undergo hysterectomy are usually between the ages of 35 and 54; within that group women between the ages of 35 and 44 have the highest risk of undergo the procedure (Right Diagnosis, 2015). 90% of the women are not really medically in need of the procedure, because they are not life threatening conditions such as uterine fibroid, endometriosis and uterine prolapse (Everyday Health, 2015). According to National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC), in the United States, approximately one-third of all hysterectomies are performed for uterine fibroid (Right Diagnosis, 2015). The 2nd most frequent condition that leads to hysterectomies is endometriosis …show more content…

Some of the risk factors associated with uterine fibroids are African American women, obesity, and socioeconomic status (SES) and health access (National Institute Health, 2015). African American Women African American women compared to Caucasian women are more probable to have hysterectomy surgery (Bower, et al., 2009). The reason for that is African American women are 2-3 times more likely to be diagnosed with uterine fibroid, which is the primary sign of hysterectomy surgery (Weiss et al., 2009). The fibroid in African American women tend to have more profuse amount of tumor, they can be massively large, and are prone to more serve symptoms (White, 2015). They are also more probable to develop uterine fibroid at a younger age (White, 2015). There have been reports of younger African American women that have not started their period, that have sign of small fibroid tumor (White,

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