
I Always Loved To Write. Since I Was In Elementary School,

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I always loved to write. Since I was in elementary school, one of my best courses was Reading and Writing. While most of my peers loved physical education, I was one of those who spend time in the library reading and writing varies books and book reports. As I grew up, I began a love for baseball, in particular the Montreal Expos and came to love them almost as my second family. I follow the stats and stories of the Expos since 1984 and while most people went to church every Sunday to worship, I visited ballparks almost everyday to see my beloved Expos baseball team. I came close to writing a book about baseball, but because of my age and circumstances back then, it never develop as it should. In the early 1990 's, I was the editor of my …show more content…

One is to just start writing anything at all. Usually it ends up being a garbled up mess of whatever is going through my brain at the time, which sometimes isn 't much, but then I can pick up on one idea out of the mess and start writing around that. I usually end up being able to write something pretty interesting. Sometimes a picture I have taken will give me inspiration, such as the Bison photo here. This photo was taken in Oklahoma in 2006 on a drive through the countryside there. I got as close as I could to the Bison without putting myself in danger in order to get this photo. This photo was taken with a 2.0 mega pixel camera so the quality is not very good as you can see. Bison are dangerous animals because they can stampede and Bison bulls are very large and unpredictable. You should never get close to a herd of Bison. In the national parks in Oklahoma there are signs that point out the dangers of getting too close to these animals. Even with the warnings clearly posted, people seem to ignore them, and take their chances by going right in amidst the vast herds, and taking pictures, or even trying to pet them. These animals are wild, and should be treated as so. Some people have been mauled, and killed by Bison. They tend to look slow, and unable to move on account of their size, but can move very quickly, and also jump straight up in the air! Full grown bulls can reach heights up to 6 1/2 feet tall and weigh as much as 2200 lbs. They are to be

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