
I Am A Boomerang Buyer

Decent Essays

I am a boomerang buyer. I lost my home in 2011, due to health issues and was not able to come up with the money to catch up. I felt defeated by this loss, this was my first home that I have lived in and brought on my home after being discharged from the military. Then to try to rent from any one, after this was the hardest thing to do, I had to make sure I had my old doctor’s notes so that companies would see that I am not just another foreclosure victim. Since the foreclosure I have thought long and hard about trying to buy another house and what would my steps I would take. However, the thoughts of foreclosure have loomed over my head and made me have my doubts about ever being a homeowner ever again. Foreclosure is a very scary thing and to be honest at times it is a very embarrassing moment of your life. It’s not something that you want to announce to the world and sometimes the stresses of dealing with the foreclosure is too much. I have known people who have given up all hopes after going through a foreclosure. Having a foreclosure on your credit report is very discouraging especially after knowing that you fought so hard to try to keep your house being foreclosed. After going through foreclosure you feel defeated, however with every storm comes a rainbow. Sometimes going through a foreclosure is what you need to put your life in perspective. What can you change in your life so that you never have to go through this again? What would I do differently if I had the

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