
I Am Attending Duke Street Daycare

Good Essays

I am attending Duke Street Daycare, which is apart of the Collingwood Neighborhood House for the next six weeks. This is a 3 to 5 center that has 32 children, and are open from 7:30am to 6:00pm; Monday through Friday. The children are divided into two groups; the butterflies that 4-5 years of age and caterpillars that are early 3-4’s. Duke Street Daycare has a ratio of 1:8, with a total of six staff members. I have attached the center’s guidance policy and daily schedule. I am working with the 3-4’s and the schedule attached is strictly followed which is interesting to me, because the center says they believe in the Reggio Emilia approach. The center enforces guidance with positive reminders than negatively, the staff evidently practiced …show more content…

A teacher must have their back facing the wall, which allows a clear view, prevent injuries or conflicts and learn about staff and then children more.

On the first day of practicum the children were all engaged in free playtime and I would position myself in a play area with my back facing a wall so I was open to the children. I would periodically look around the room, while still being attentive to what I was doing. I would move throughout the room spending time with each child, or group of children, equally sharing the time and attention I was giving to all the different areas of play going on. My sponsor teacher within the first hour of being at practicum said “I am so pleased to see you scanning regularly, it’s seems like a second nature to you. Keep it up and before you know it you’ll grow a third eye on the back of your head.” Having previous experience working at a preschool, scanning has become a skill I practice and do without evening knowing it. Before practicing the skill and explaining our skills of the week to my sponsor teacher she noticed I was already doing it, which was a real confidence booster for me and I am proud I have mastered the important skill of scanning.

Challenges or Problems
a) What challenges or problems you perceived the child or children were having?

The children didn’t have any challenges or problems with me scanning the room or moving around throughout the area.

b) What challenges or problems you experienced, as

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