
I Am Malala Research Paper

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Malala’s life turned from bliss to desperation and agony. She was a good student getting strait A’s until one fateful day when the Taliban took control of Pakistan. Her life had turned upside down when the they outlawed girls to go to school. Malala Yousafzai, in the book I Am Malala, used many literary terms such as irony, symbolism, and metaphors, she also questioned why the Taliban did certain things. In the book, I Am Malala, Malala asked, “Why was a school building such a threat to the Taliban (Yousafzai 63)?” School buildings were a threat because at that time most of Pakistan was illiterate therefore the Taliban was able to control it. If people stopped being ignorant then they would realize the Taliban’s preachings were not relevant to todays time period. …show more content…

They could strip away their rights in an instant. At first Fazullah blocked the TV then ended up burning a school building (Yousafzai 63). Everyday the Taliban took more and more rights away from the citizens. Finally the citizens of Pakistan felt jailed and realized the Taliban was no joke. Malala states, “I hear my little brothers fighting for the remote-the TV switching between WWE SmackDown and cartoons (Yousafzai 1).” This symbolizes the Pakistani army and the Taliban, Malala’s brothers, fighting to gain control over Pakistan, the remote. This book broadened my knowledge of Pakistan and the hardships they face there. I came to appreciate Malala standing up for her rights and the rights of others. This lead me to think how ironic it was that children in America tend to hate school and wish to skip a day of school while children in Pakistan yearn for education and learn for the

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