
I Am Malala Research Paper

Decent Essays

Imagine having no freedom, no control of your own life. Restrictions on everyday things that you or I take for granted.
Good morning Miss Kokinovic and classmates.

A challenge, a type of struggle that can affect someone mentally, emotionally or physically. To me, facing a challenge is for someone to overcome or battle their mental, emotional or physical struggle. This tests the person's abilities of which make it harder or easier conquer.
‘I am Malala’, an autobiography written by Malala Yousafzai is a fantastic non-fiction text of which has multiple examples of what our class studied, challenges. I am Malala is about Malala Yousafzai, a girl whose home land was taken over by the Taliban and was shot by them.
‘I am Malala’ associates well with the quote “We don't grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges” since she has had to face her own challenges that have made her grow and the challenges that she faced she could've …show more content…

An important challenge that Malala overcame was when the Taliban came. They placed restrictions like no listening to music, watching movies, dancing and not letting women go outside. One of the biggest things they did was put a curfew in place, as Malala said “The curfew took over our lives”, this posed a challenge for Malala because she did not have any freedom.
She referred to the Taliban as vampires, “It seemed to us that the Taliban arrived in the night just like vampires” she said. By using this direct quote from Malala we can see that by comparing the Taliban to vampires she is saying that they are remorseless people. Like vampires who essentially suck the life out of people, the Taliban have rid girls like Malala of a quality of life by the restrictions they’ve placed. By fighting against the Taliban this has made her grow like the quote

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