
I Am Sam By Jessie Nelson

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In the movie “I am Sam”, directed by Jessie Nelson in 2001, is a film that Stars Sean Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Dakota Fanning. Sean Penn, plays Sam Dawson, a man with a developmental disability. He has a sexual encounter with a homeless woman, and ends up having a child, whom he names Lucy (played by Dakota Fanning), after the song “Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds” by the Beatles. The mother ends up abandoning them. Sam is now left on his own to raise her. Sam also works at Starbucks as a server and eventually earns his way up to making coffee. As Lucy reaches the age of 7, she purposely holds back to avoid looking smarter than Sam, as Sam’s intellectual compacity is that of a seven-year-old. When Child Services takes Lucy away, Sam fights

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