Stanley Caron
Communication 9
Mr. G
Period A
2017 November 19
I Can’t Hear! I can't hear! Technology is ruining our hearing and vision. Studies have shown from listening to music to loudly can cause permanent hearing damage. Many people are experiencing this problem because how easy we can access technology these days. Technology is not only hurting our hearing, but also vision. Studies also show all the hours we spend with our eyes up close to technology is also causing serious eye strains and discomfort to the eyes. Technology is ruining our vision and hearing at a very young age. Technology is ruining our eyes day by day. Think about how many hours the average teen spends on their phone about 4 hours a day. The bad part is that
She gives three reasons in order to support her claim. The first reason is “teenagers exhibit what’s known as a slight hearing loss.” The author tried to convince to parents that if children constantly using headphones, they often cannot hear sounds at a low volume and they cannot make out consonants like T’s or K's. The second reason is “the danger of digital culture to young people is not that they have hummingbird attention spans but that they are going deaf.” In this reason, Heffernan wanted to show that how dangerous of headphones will cause. The last reason is headphone users who listen to music at high volume for more than an hour a day risk permanent hearing loss after five
“Against Headphones” article by Virginia Heffernan talks about the dangerous things headphones do to teens. She says that 1 out of 5 teens have trouble hearing, believed to be caused by headphones. The amount of teens with hearing troubles has increased 33% since 1994. She states that people who listen to things with headphones daily have a higher chance of hearing loss.
Headphones have been in use for over a century, yet they have only recently become a topic of debate. Headphones are a way for people to listen to music, audiobooks, or whatever they like privately without disrupting others around them. However, all of this private listening may soon be falling on deaf ears. In Virginia Heffernan’s article “Against Headphones”, she presents a valid argument stating that although headphones are useful in some professions, they are causing substantial hearing loss, especially in young people. The formulated argument effectively incorporates ethos, logos, and opposing viewpoints with rebuttals, but could be strengthened in some areas to increase effectiveness.
Jennifer Dignan prompts us to Throw Away Your Earbuds Now in the scholastic article she wrote, Throw Away Your Earbuds Now. She separates her article into three parts: an example of the problem, addressing the problem, and explaining how we can prevent the problem from happening to us. In this instance, the problem is that young people are losing their hearing quicker and quicker due to the fact that they’re blasting literally deafening music through their earbuds. This article ties in with an ABC video our class watched concerning the same topic. Jennifer Dignan wrote this article to teach teens that would be reading the scholastic magazine to educate them on how they can preserve their hearing, an extremely important skill, for the long future ahead of them.
In the article “Against Headphones”, Virginia Heffernan, a writer and to critic, claims 1 in 5 children are going deaf because of the overuse of headphones. She supports her claim by first stating facts about a study about “people who habitually blast MP3 players”. Then she provides the history of headphones. Then, she talks about in the 50’s men were drowning out their families with headphones. Lastly, she states her claim and tells people too “Make it a New Year’s resolution, then, to use headphones less”. Heffernan s purpose of this article is to inform the reader of the dangers of using headphones too loudly and too long in order to get them to use them less.
This happens in two ways: listening at too high of a volume, or listening for too long. Studies have confirmed the obvious fact that “the louder the noise and the longer you’re hearing it, the greater the risk of hearing loss” (Siegel). This study concluded that an increasing amount of teens are suffering hearing loss and “wearing earbuds to listen to music may be to blame” (Siegel). The knowledge of loud sounds hurting the ear is well known, but not as many people are aware of the problems caused by listening to music for an extended amount of time. “Constant low-level noise might cause hearing problems, a new study in rats finds” (Cheung). Even music at a low level can damage a listener’s hearing if heard for an extended period of time, but what can losing some hearing really do to a
Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust Survivor, Nobel Laureate, and International Leader of the Holocaust Remembrance Movement once said, “How does one mourn for six million people who died? How many candles does one light? How many prayers does one recite? Do we know how to remember the victims, their solitude, their helplessness? They left us without a trace, and we are their trace.” Many people perished during the Holocaust and World War II, the deadliest war of them all. Hitler and the Nazi Party had many mass murder programs and killed over eleven million people. During the Holocaust, the Germans’ and Nazi Party targeted many different types of people, impacting how they were viewed at that time. First, the Nazis attacked the nomadic Roma
In today’s high-tech environment, we are losing our listening ability. We utilize recording via audio or video, which hinders the opportunity of listening to what the environment is trying to teach you. Society today is losing the art of gathering information via our ears. Our sense of hearing is one of our most important senses in information gathering and comprehension.
A century has passed since the creation of headphones, yet they have only recently come under fire. Headphones provide a way for people to listen to music, audiobooks, and podcasts privately without disrupting others around them. However, all of this private listening may soon fall on deaf ears. In Virginia Heffernan’s article “Against Headphones”, she presents an argument stating that although headphones are useful in some professions, they cause substantial hearing loss, especially in young people. The formulated argument is effective and valid, and incorporates ethos, logos, and opposing viewpoints with rebuttals.
Children love summer. What's not to love about a few months off school and lazy summer days. As the temperature heats up, however, and children are spending more time inside the house, it is time to be more mindful about how they are occupying their minds inside. In particular, their use of technology. While television, music and video games are all a great way to waste hours stuck indoors, technology can be doing irreversible damage to their hearing. Here are two tips to help make sure your children reach their teenage years without major hearing loss.
In these days, people get addicted to the technology around that we are not even realize. Although technology is very useful to us, it has more disadvantages than we think. Almost everybody in this world think that technology make life more convenient. It is true!!! But very few realize how technology is going to affect our lives. Technology affects us negatively by decreasing the ability of our brain, consuming more time, and decreasing the life skill ability.
Did you know that you can seriously damage your eyes when you stare at a computer screen. To begin I think that whenever you stare at a screen you can damage your brain, eyes, and hands. Also you could damage your eyes with a computer screen. In addition it can cause eye strain. Finally you can damage your hands. To sum it all up that is why kids should wear glasses when they look at eletronics.
The use of headphones for long periods of time and at high volume can cause hearing loss. Most research has focused on sources related to work activities, but there is growing concern about the damage caused by the use of hearing aids caused by digital audio players such as smartphones, tablets and music players, especially in the young population that makes bad use of these and suffer from early dysfunctions in hearing, among other health problems. There have also been infections reported by several users of the same hearing aid.
People are forgetting to get up and eat from their noses being on the screens all day. People are forgetting to exercise, when why should they if their cars and chairs go on by themselves. People are getting everything from devices instead of looking in the wonders of books. I am not one of those people.
Given these points, Technology has many long-term affects that can lead to many problems like over-relying on the internet, not developing our mind the way it was suppose to be, and etc. Like Socrates one said, “ We are exposing our brains to an environment and asking them to do things we weren’t necessarily evolved to do, he said, We know already there are