
I CouldnT Stop Or Stay Stopped Because Of A Interview Case Study

Decent Essays

Title Los Angeles is his home town. He had a normal lifestyle. When he finished high school he went to Los Angeles law school university. Helping people is his interest. 45 years old lawyer Jimi Robin states “I couldn’t stop, or stay stopped because of the struggle”. Gray, navy or black colored suits with white long sleeve T-shirts are his choice of clothing to wear to go to work. Sometimes he goes to court every day, sometimes he just works in the office with files, interviewing clients and get working done. Robin believes he didn’t pick immigration law, but immigration law picked him. When he was in college he wants to be a journalist, sport journalist because he …show more content…

If I go out the door and come back to get something, I have to kiss her again. I think something will happen if I don’t kiss her.” According to Robin “Balancing work and life with two kids are tough between my work kids and my work. obviously, I have sport agency and court”. Even though his family’s understands him immigration low is hard and required a lot of time.
In low school Robin complains that “The college tituation was expensive” for him, however, he agrees that Under-graduate school was fun and he had a good time in there. There are some peoples in different law school plans get done in 3 years, but the undergraduate degree took 4 years to complete his law degree. Robin maintains that the payment of lawyers depends of on location, experience, good score ranking. so, it can range 150 thousand dollars to much more dollar than that a year. But sometimes it’s hard to get a job, especially after leaving a college said Robin. Although Robin doesn’t recommend law school now days because he believes they're better option to get a job and a good money now days than being a lawyer. “I believe you can graduate any other than lawyer school and get a better job and paid well as well. You wouldn’t have a law school and paid high loans and needs a high score to graduate. May students asking me what measure should go undergraduate. I prefer to anyone to get business because in this world running by the business.”

The immigration law cases are

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