Now the world of development is faster and faster, a lot of mobile applications are make the people distance more and more closer. In the “I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight” article. JENNA WORTHAMT She has 3,000 miles away from her boyfriend, and they often use smartphone applications to get closer and chat with each other. She pointed out that the convenience of these applications can make people become more closer, and this is not like the phone or text formal. In the new app “you and me”, the entrepreneur is committed to allowing more couples to use the software for one-on-one meetings. Although this software is not a real alternative, but does not affect the actual time together in the real world. In Ms. Friedman's blog, she noted that 74% of couples believe that the Internet had a positive impact on their relationship. In my view, although the virtual world spent most of the time, but it also brings a lot of positive impacts. …show more content…
Second, through some research shows that face to face communication can be closer to the hearts of people, and also can better able to convince other people's ideas. But there are many inconveniences in real-life communication. But there are many inconveniences in real-life communication. Through some research shows that more people have face to face communication problem, they have a little fear of face to face communication. Because close communication will test people's communication skills, they need to express their ideas in a short time in a timely manner. If not expressed in a short time, is likely to cause discomfort to each other, such as suspicion and hesitation. Just like the vast majority of gamblers on TV often need to have a poke face, they are not let others see their own
People use technology like the smart phone apps in order to interact and communicate with friends and families. The You and Me Application among others, is a popular mobile dating app used by people who are potentially seeking partners or friends. Others object that this kind of communication refrains and hinders strong face-to-face communication. The many authors and researchers share their views that technology will be a barrier to real life communication because technology users are less likely to be engaged and interact face-to-face with current or possible partner. In the essay “I Had a Nice Time With You Tonight On the App.”, Jenna Wortham contends that smart phone dating apps allows people to meet and communicate, and is also effective in maintaining healthy relationship. In order to entertain and convince her readers, Wortham begins by sharing a personal story about her experiences with communication apps in order to lower her readers so they don’t get thrown off with her credible resource, and
The article “When Your Smartphone Is Too Smart for Your Own Good: How social Media Alters Human Relationships” by Lori Ann Wagner begins with a summary the film “Her” which a Los Angeles man of the future falls in love his OS device and begins to develop an intimate relationship with “Her”. Wagner mentions that to many, the notion of one falling in love with their OS device might seem overdone, but questions if it really is. Wagner begins to explain how as human we have an innate need to be social and experience the feeling of belonging, which is why people turn topical media. With social media it is easier to acquire this interaction with others that is so desired, without having to put in the effort required for a physical relationship. Wagner
Technology these days is continuing to grow into people’s lives exponentially- something that Jenna Wortham talks about in the article, "I Had a Nice Time with You Tonight. On the App" published in The New York Times. She offers a new point of view to the dating-app world as she describes life in a relationship separated by thousands of miles. Today, dating-apps are mainly for people who are looking for a partner, but as more and more people start to find their loved one online, those apps become irrelevant. This knowledge has sparked new concepts for apps- apps that try to keep people happy in their relationships. Although human social interactions may have transformed over the past couple of decades, the usage of mobile devices to communicate help us stay in contact with people
Face-to-face communication contribute to the successfully communication as well. Rick et al. (2009) found that because face-to-face communication is produced in real time, speakers have direct feedback on how their message is being understood as it is being delivered. In our discussion group, our entire group members insist of having group meeting in campus everyday contributed to the success of the discussion most. Face-to-face communication is able to make sure that each of us merely focuses on our discussion in the particular time. Despite the fact that face to face communication
Summary of “I Had a Nice Time with You Tonight. On the App” In the essay, “I Had a Nice Time with You Tonight. On the App” by technology in The New York Times, Jenna Wortham, main focus is to convinces her readers that is nothing wrong with on line dating. Wortham brings up good information and stated her own opinion, in her original statement, “I perfect to use applications, that already figure into my daily routine” (Wortham 393) in her opinion she use Google’s instant-messaging application, Gchat as well Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Social Media network gave her feedback on relationships base on the surveyed and percent (Wortham 396).
In the article “I Had A Nice Time with You Tonight, On the App,” Wortham writes about her experiences with apps allowing for communication and suggests that technology is necessary to maintain relationships particularly long-distance ones. She explains that her smartphone apps allowed her to maintain and improve relationships with her long-distance boyfriend as well as her nearby friends and family because
(INTRO): The most crucial and pivotal part of a storyline is the ending. Oftentimes, a movie and a book based on the same storyline will differ in a multitude of ways. Consequently, the entire interpretation of a story is based on the ending. This concept is expressed in the intricate and intriguing plots of the short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates and the movie Smooth Talk. (THESIS): The ending of the short story is more effective than the ending of the movie because it leaves more to the imagination with its graphic scenes that emphasize Connie’s complex relationship with her mother and show a transformation in Connie’s personality.
Four million; that’s how many apps you have to chose from across many different app stores, do we really need another one? Jenna Wortham, author of “I Had a Nice Night with You Tonight. On the App.”, believes she has found the next best thing. She talks about an online dating site called HowAboutWe, and she mentions that the site lost many customers once its users were in a relationship. The founders soon created a new app called You & Me to help new couples from HowAboutWe, as well as other couples, continue to communicate and produce joyous relationships. You & Me is aimed towards couples, like Wortham and her long distance boyfriend, that are longing to grow their relationship through the screen of a mobile phone and beyond (823-827). Wortham’s compelling use of pathos is overshadowed by illogical illustrations of her positive view of technology and one-sided examples of ethos.
Ideas for the story lines of many motion pictures get their inspiration from other works of writing often. Books are usually a main source of inspiration for movies, for instance, the movie Smooth Talk was based off of Joyce Carol Oates’ short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?. Most of the time however, you hear that the movie did not give justice to the book. Smooth Talk is an exception to this common conception. By keeping the main thematic issues of teenage ignorance and arrogance, and same symbiotic relevance throughout the movie gives the movie the same impact as the book, even though it has additional occurrences.
here are 2 points within the story where the girl being spoken to speaks. She was not necessarily given the chance to talk, but had the temerity to state her opinions. This shows that to the female authority figure thought the girls opinions were negligible. The female authority thought she was omniscient about the advice she was providing and was being a
15). This research speaks volumes to the overall effect that the spread of technology has on our addiction to social media. It shows that we now value our time and interactions that happen over the Internet more than we value the true face-to-face interactions that real relationships actually depend on. One study performed on a university campus in Turkey used a questionnaire to evaluate different factors that could have significantly positive or negative effects on a relationship. This study performed by Egeci and Gencoz found that “…those with lower communications problems…were more likely to experience relationship satisfaction” (388). The type of communication that is proven to help grow relationships occurs most effectively face-to-face, where people can read each other’s emotions in their facial expressions and non-verbal
In the article, “I Had a Nice Time with You Tonight on the App”, the writer Jenna Wortham states that using social platforms is beneficial and has actually helped her maintain her relationships with other people who are long distance. She supports her opinion by sharing her personal experiences with her long distance boyfriend and by providing examples of social platforms such as Skype, G-chat, etc. Also, she mentions that using her phone hasn’t let it interfere how she speaks to others. In addition, she also includes the input of other authors who disagree and even participated in an application trial for romantic couples. Overall, I agree with Wortham, because I feel that social platforms can be beneficial to anyone, based on my own experiences.
People spend a significant part of their lives listening and talking, that is the main reason why conversation is regarded to be the most generalised form of talk that concerns both speakers and listeners and it is contemplated to be the essential ingredient in co-operative undertaking (Wardhaugh, 1985). Conversation is informal talk involving two or more people and interviews are a particular type of conversation. Interviews are regarded as meetings at which a journalist asks questions in order to find out the interviewee’s opinion. This is an assignment that analyses a telephone interview, so there is an absence of eye contact, body language or facial expressions that are attributes of a ‘live’
My generation has grown up with technology in our hands since we were toddlers. We are dependent on technology, from Iphones, Laptops,tablets, ipods, even watches that keep us connected to a never ending supply of distant connection. Social media is the source of many problems in our society. One of the problems is the lack of communication in a relationship. One misconception about social media is that it has the ability to strengthen a relationship because you have another avenue of communication when in fact it is detrimental, due to lack of intimate interaction between two people. Social media not only takes away face to face interactions, but it leads to trust issues, cheating and a lack of confrontation.
“Can you remember the last time you were in a public space in America and didn’t notice that half the people around you were bent over a digital screen, thumbing a connection to somewhere else?” (Fredrickson, 2013, pg. 1). In a world today where sending a text message containing the message “I luv you,” is equally powerful to that statement said in person to your significant other. Today’s generation is surrounded by the constant need to have technology and mainly cell phones at your fingertips. Gone are the days when people would talk to one another whilst standing in line, now it is all about having and using your cell phone to pass the time. All of this takes bondage on having an interpersonal relationship with each other and conversing