
I Have Always Had A Passion For Serving The Public And

Decent Essays

I have always had a passion for serving the public and working with young people. Early on, I set my heart on being a juvenile attorney. Pursing this, I earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice but, it wasn’t until I interned with Safe Landing Youth Shelter where I realized my true calling. The satisfaction and fulfillment I felt working with the youth shelter pivoted my focus towards my new passion. My desire to help people is a simplified answer to why I want to pursue a career as a social worker, however, there is so much more to that question. I want to be a child advocate because I want to be that person speaking up for the child. I want to be able to say what a child is afraid of or does not know how to say. Being an …show more content…

I am always willing to put in the effort and using my vigorous work ethic, I am prepared to succeed. To become a better student and to successfully complete the MSW program I will need to further improve on my strengths. I am determined to work harder and push my limits to complete this Masters of Social Work program. I am actively improving my time management skills each day along with devising strategies to keep myself focused and on track. Scheduling my time and setting goals for myself helps cut out distractions. Developing these skills and recognizing, evaluating and resolving ways to overcome my weaknesses will ensure that I am successful in this program. In my time spent volunteering at Safe Landing, I worked with and grew to know some of the children in social services. Seeing their struggles and hearing their stories grew my compassion to help others in their same circumstances. Through those experiences, there was always a line where I stopped and the social worker in me picked up. Most of my volunteer experiences I’ve had were aimed at helping youths learn life skills such as cooking, cleaning, and helping with their studies. The goal of this was to help the kids learn new skills and to present a positive alternative to mischief. I found immense joy from this but grew weary of not being able to do more. I lacked the power and resources to be able to make an even

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