
I Learned About College University Of Nebraska Wesleyan And How The Schooling Here Works

Decent Essays

This semester through my Archway seminar I learned many things. Not just about college but specifically about the University of Nebraska Wesleyan and how the schooling here works. The Archway seminar is designed to be an intro class into learning how to “college” and it was really an eye opener for me. Through the assignments of our active reading journals I learned how to look deeper into thing and really explore their entire meaning. Taking something simple that I read and writing about experiences and what I thought about it really help this ability grow throughout the semester. Through the discussion in this class I learned a lot more about each chapter. I looked forward to the discussion because I enjoyed hearing everyone else’s way of thinking. Something’s mentioned in the discussion I would have never thought about. Although I didn’t participate in the discussion as much as others I felt like it got better throughout the semester. I have never really been one to open up to big crowds and share my opinion. Due to many reasons. But the discussion allowed me to tear down a little bit of that wall. Both of these experiences are something I know I will experience throughout my entire college career and learning them the first semester is something that will really help me along the way. In the book On Looking the most significant part of this book to me was the just how it opened my mind to the world. This book showed me specific things and details that I had never

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