The Secret Truth to Words
“I liked the feel of nudeness” (Kidd 134). Every day people use sentences to describe how they're feeling, to answer questions, including thousands of other reasons. While it may not be apparent, every word and phrase have a meaning. Each and every simple thing said by humans have their own stories, their own backgrounds. While some words people speak are bland and unimportant, their words always express something unique that can be broken into parts to explain the words said as a whole. Therefore, phrases can be broken down from a grouping of words with little to no meaning, to single words with many explanations. First, is a very interesting sentence, one with many meanings to some, and no meaning to others. In the book, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, the main character in the book Lily thinks to herself, “I liked the feel of nudeness” (134). This quote can be explained in so many different ways, but the way I interpret it is unique to myself. To me, this quote is expressing freedom and beauty, and can be connected with ancient Greek art. Nudeness expresses a person’s beauty and freedom. Freedom is the release from the tight chamber of
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When one is open and free to what life brings to their plate, it is truly a beautiful trait. As seen in greek art and in countless of other examples in the world, it is blatant that nudeness is far more than just a bare human body. It is a symbol for what people on earth work to achieve every day, complete freedom. Some contradict saying that with too much freedom comes too much pressure, which can lead to a negative outcome. Yet, what they fail to realize is, when given absolute freedom, one is able to be live their lives based purly upon what they feel is the right thing for them. In the end, this quote can be connected with ancient Greek art, and is giving its view on freedom and
Words are all around us. Words define the way we describe the way we articulate, one such example being this very paper, the way we interact with others, and most importantly, the way we feel or think. Adjectives: the words that give our world emotional meaning beyond the literal definition; that is connotation. Connotation is most evident in words to which we associate our most extreme emotions. Whether it is witnessing the greatest of fireworks, an elaborate collection of lights and sounds, or seeing truckfuls of babies being dumped into a blistering hot fire, the word we would use to describe these two events, fire, will forever be emotionally seen differently by whomever witnesses it. A word can develop in meaning, once meaning one thing to then mean something completely different. In fact, In Elie Wiesel’s “Night”, Elie’s definition of the word ‘fire’ changes from that of a danger to one’s self to that of destruction and revenge.
This plan ensures that the organization has highly competent employees in a range of areas. It can be referred to as the Organization Entry Plan. This plan is developed in accordance with employee competency required in different operations. In order for this plan to be effective, accuracy, and the mission of the cooperation should be at the forefront. The recruitment, selection and on board process plan is a key element to the success of the organization.
"There's a point at which ordinary words don't express our needs, but a profanity can do that..." and he goes on to argue, "These are words that express intense
The human body has been coupled with various beliefs for all of history. It has been the centre and representation for questions of ethics, power and sexuality. Works like “Confession” by Linh Dinh have found ways to express these questions further. By focusing on questioning how the body operates in art, Dihn portrays and inquires a whole belief system as to how the body functions and is viewed in society.
“People can take what they like out of the work”-Saville (YouTube, 2017). The female nude is one of the most prominent themes in the history of art and has been subject for many masterpieces such as botticelli's The Birth of Venus and Manet’s Le Dejeuner sur I’herbe. Saville's treatment of the female nude is undeniably like no other from the centuries before her.
Yet in presenting something as inaccessible and dangerous, an invitation to know and to possess is extended. The secrecy associated with female bodies is sexual and linked to the multiple associations between women and privacy. (92)
The pornographic industry has not lost their viewers, and the constant leaks of female celebrity personal pictures demonstrate that society has always sexualized women’s body for their pleasure. McRobbie states that there is a modern movement where women are free to choose for themselves. Females are choosing to go topless to prove breasts are merely body parts. Celebrities such as Bella Hadid and Rihanna walk the streets with see-through tops, making the appearance of their breasts nothing but a fashion statement. Many allegations are made saying self-exposing breasts comes from a lack of self-respect. The question arises, is it only acceptable for women to be topless for the pleasure of others? Not in the current pop culture world. Women are free to make their decisions, and they have decided their breasts are not to be sexualized. If a woman’s breast is out, she is doing it out of choice and for her
{Berger defines nakedness “as being to oneself”.} {Nudity is “to be seen naked by others, not recognizing oneself’’}. An example of one of many nude paintings is a the dark-haired women posing in the bathtub holding her hair. In the photo the women is wanting to be intoxicating and looking as if she wants to be seen as an object of sex and also put on display her body off to the world. So, she is giving herself up as a object willingly. In the painting, “Nell Gwynne”, by Lely, the women is showing submissiveness to the painter/owner. She is also wanting to display herself for the enjoyment of men.
The reading claims that nudes throughout artistic history have been an important source of beauty and controversy. Nudes began to spike during the Baroque period as they were used for the more expressive and emotional arts of the time. In the nineteenth century, nudes became more common, yet became more sensitive. Artists would train by drawing nudes of ancient Greek statues and figures from myth. However, many artists would then move on to create works depicting prostitutes or peasant naked women. This would not please patrons as they were extremely societally taboo. However, this did not start artists from making them, as they moved into the twentieth and twenty-first century. This shows the importance of artistic nudes and their impact
The art world has been host to a vast menagerie of talent, intellect, and creativity for about as long as human culture has existed. It has grown, developed, and changed just as humanity has. Naturally, with such an impressively expansive history, various avenues of art are visited time and time again by new artists. Artists seek not only to bring their own personal flavor and meaning to timeless concepts, but to find new ways to approach them. While not every single creator and craftsman can make such a great impact on art or the world, their efforts have given birth to some truly magnificent and unique works. In an effort to create a more meaningful understanding, as well a deeper appreciation, of the nuances, techniques, and design choices employed in these attempts, a comparison will be made between Edouard Vuillard’s Interior With a Screen (1909-1910) and Henri Matisse’s Blue Nude (Souvenir of Biskra) (1907). In this essay, each artist’s approach to the subject of the female nude will be closely analyzed, compared, and contrasted, as will their styles of painting, handling of visual elements, and their use of the principles of design. An interpretation of each work and what the artist intended when creating it will also be provided.
Artist and people viewing the art work have always had a fascination with the female nude. Even when I was a child my attention was captured by the nude art not because I was a kid and I saw a nude lady , but it forced me to wonder more about why the female nude was so amazing as a tool for art and why this is repeated so many times throughout the centuries. One female nude painting in particular was the subject of controversy and exposed the syncretism and or the power of the female nude painting.
In the poem “The Naked and the Nude” the author, Robert Graves attempts to clearly distinguish the differences between two words who seem to have the exact same meaning. Robert Graves, debunks the common misconception that both words mean the same. He uses poetic devices such as allusions, imagery, and metaphors to portray the idea that connotations give the words a large difference.
"Words [or labels], like little buckets, are assumed to pick up their loads of meaning in one person's mind, carry them across the intervening space, and dump them
This question is crucial to my research of Torso of Dionysos or Apollo given that the viewer’s immediate observation of the artwork is that it is a nude sculpture. Thus, this question is relevant to the work because it is not just the subject of the sculpture that is essential to examine, but also how that sculpture is represented. Previous discussions in lecture and recitation have provided insight on how artistic nudity is historically contingent. While the nudity of Dionysos or Apollo is undoubtedly presented in a favorable manner in the sculpture at the Ackland Art Museum, I wanted to investigate if this favorable representation was conventional for all figures, or if it varied depending on criteria such as the subject’s socioeconomic status. After all, there had to be some manner in which nude depictions of gods and nude depictions of mortals were able to be
The female body is generally portrayed in a negative way. In most films, the female character is represented as being weak and vulnerable, they are only there to be looked at by the audience. Anastasia is the female protagonist in the film, she lacks of confidence in her own appearance. There is a sense of insecurity and she hasn’t realised her own natural beauty. Anastasia is a small young woman with a slim beautiful figure. There are only glimpses of Anastasia’s body and this is known as Partial nudity which is parts of her body covered up in some manner, it refers to the exposure of her skin in different places. This kind of nudity is used in many scenes in the film and it refers to the exposure of Anastasia breasts and other parts of her body. The films erotic nature means that there a number of scenes with certain parts of Anastasia body that has been exposed. Throughout the film, there is a lot of attention towards her curves and