
I Love Americ My Family Loves America

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I love America. My family loves America. That’s why my husband Todd served in our Armed Forces and did two tours of duty in the US Air Force, flying combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through Todd, I have had the honor of getting to meet and know plenty of other veterans who had served in the Middle East, like Todd, and the common thread that struck me was how they shared their love for our country, and instilled within me the importance of public service as we seek to protect our freedom.- These veterans remind me that America is a can-do kind of country. We just have a government that can’t seem to get the job done in Washington, or as I like to call it, 68 square miles surrounded by reality. The good news is that there is still time left to turn things around. You can give me that time. To do this, we need leadership with big, bold ideas from outside of Washington; the kind of leadership that can actually get things done – like we have here in New Hampshire. Since I’ve been Senator, we took on big government and won. We reduced taxes and lowered taxes on individuals, employers and property. In fact, property taxes are lower today than they were in 2010. How many Senators can say that? Since I’ve been Senator, we passed lawsuit reform and regulatory reform. We passed reforms that slashed funds to bloated government programs and helped build small businesses by rewarding owners who are realizing the American dream. If our reforms can work in a blue state

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