
I Love Research Paper

Decent Essays

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do”(Pele). I believe in the love for sports. Loving a sport means you have a passion for the sport. For me, my love is soccer. I play because i love the game, the green grass, the painted field, and the one goal at the end of the field and the other goal at the other side. When you love a sport you can’t wait to get out there and start playing. When you are playing the sport you love it’s like no other feeling in the world. When times are bad you can always turn to your sport and forget about the outside world and just play. Sports are a way to have fun, relieve stress, and to just get out there and …show more content…

“What is love? Love is playing every game as if it's your last!”(Michael Jordan). Love for a sport is watching the sport, playing the sport, practicing the sport and not getting tired of the sport. In sports it’s not just about winning. Although it feels go to win, you shouldn’t feel down because you lost. If you love that sport you will get up, and try harder than before. When you try harder you want to get better and you increase your love for the sport. For example, when I first started playing my club they put me as center back, which is the last person before you reach the goalie. I hated playing that position because I barely did anything. Therefore I started working hard,and trying harder by practicing every day, all the time I could. Then my coach saw how hard i was working a little by little he started putting me forward or midfield. First, it was 3 minutes, then 5 and it kept increasing until now i play left midfield the whole game. I did it by working hard and trying my best for the love of the sport. I believe in the love for sports. Sports are not just a game, they are a way of life. When you love a sport you are obsessed with the sport. Whenever you have a game or practice you can’t wait to just get out there. Every time you play you feel the adrenaline flowing through your body giving you energy to keep going. You never want it to end, but when it does you can’t wait to play again. I believe in the love for sports, it is not only a game it's a way of

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