
I Loved You On Purpose

Decent Essays

As human beings’ go through the course of their lives, there is one constant truth that is embedded into one’s lifeblood. That truth is the undeniable need to be loved. Now, whether it come from one’s own self or is in fact outsourced from other people, love can be one of the most important and innate emotions’ that an individual can experience. However, as this remains to be true, why is it that since people are in fact viewed as individuals, do they not put as much emphasis on loving thyself as opposed to loving others? As seen in the motion picture, For Colored Girls, directed by Tyler Perry; The lady in red played by Janet Jackson once says to her husband, “I loved you on purpose.” Cognitive reasoning can bring one to the conclusion that the character felt as if the love she had for her husband was more so instinct or forced behavior than anything else. So why could she not force this feeling of love in her own direction? Throughout the course of a lifetime many roles are played and many reasons are expressed into why an individual may love others’ more than their own self. In today 's society, people place high value on the love that they receive from others as a determining factor of self worth, there are also a plethora of different circumstances and situations in which individuals must put their emotions aside and bring others’, for example, one’s children, to the forefront; or in other cases, individual’s placing the care of an elderly family member before their own

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