In Chapter 20 of The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, Gurley and Callaway stated that the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) was established in 1922 by four members of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the American Roentgen Ray Society. By creating the AART it then helped establish other groups that work towards educating past, current, and future radiologists; to become a radiologist you have to meet all requirements including didactic work, clinical hours, passing the registry/boards, continuing education while working, and so forth. There is so much more than just going to school, getting a degree in radiology, and landing a radiologist job. There are so many modalities involving radiology …show more content…
Professionalism also falls right into line with continuing ones education because I believe it defines who you are and who serious you take your job; it’s not about the money but bettering one’s self with their job. Other radiologists will be able to respect that you truly do want to make a difference within yourself and with your job. I know for sure that that is who I am; I want to make a difference in my life and others. By taking more time out of my work life and family, to educate myself further within my field, it makes me a professional. Knowing my job inside and out and furthermore, it allows me to just give more than a mere answer to my patient but to educate them as well. Patients do not know the answers and look to me as a radiologist to understand what is going on, how equipment works, answer questions that I wouldn’t have known the answers to if I didn’t take the continuing education classes, and much more. Being professional is giving more than just your all but putting myself out there to get the job done and do an exceptional job at it. I know that once receive my associates with Concorde and pass my boards, I’m not just going to stop there and just take the required continuing education credits but expand my
Radiology Technologist have been around for almost a century. “Radiology Technologist works in various places taking diagnostic imaging examinations for patients, which are x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, and mammography.” (eHow) This job is one of the few in the world that can give the risk of cancer to the rad-techs. And is stilled one of the most needed in the medical field. Radiology Technologist needs to understand computers and what the x-rays show, and how to set up a patient for and x-ray to be taken. Radiology Technologist are one of the highest paid in the medical field. This is because the job has more risk than any other job in the medical field. The radiology technologists have used x-rays for what has almost been in use
Physicians must treat their patients compassionately, listen to their concerns, and act with a good bedside manner.
Radiology technicians play an important role in society and have the ability to make a positive impact on people’s lives. They have the ability to make a difference in a patient’s live by employing their communication and patient care skills. Working as a radiology technician would allow me to fulfill my passion for helping others and making an impact while working in a career that I know I would love. I have been fortunate enough to work alongside many radiology technicians for over 4 years and have come to realize the vital role they play in Healthcare. The fast-paced work environment and major responsibility is something that I am intrigued by. I find radiologic imaging such a fascinating technology and am extremely passionate to make a career out of it.
Going to school was not always at the top of Natalie’s favorite things to do list. With a full schedule of AP classes in high school, she thought what was the point in continuing her education However, now she now takes pride in going. Now she’s on her way to learn the tedious and important job of becoming a surgical technologist.
One would think that making the decision to attend college would be simple, but for myself this was not the case. I already had a career working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. As a result, I was able to travel and live in numerous cities that I may not have been able to visit otherwise. Consequently, the past ten years of my life had been spent moving from one mission assignment to another, changing planes, living in hotels and missing countless Christmas and Thanksgiving celebrations. These factors made my decision to come back to college much easier. My new mission is to receive a degree in Radiology Technology.
According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary (2017), professionalism is “the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected to do a job well.” Medical professionals must possess occupational competence, ethical excellence, and exemplary patient relations. Occupational competence encompasses more than just job knowledge. While being technically competent to perform all necessary job functions is vital, a commitment to continually improve is essential. With the rate of technological advancements in the medical profession, continued education is required to stay abreast of changes. Self-reflection is also important to know when and where personal improvement is needed. High ethical standards, including honesty, integrity, accountability,
The next part of my research I am discussing will be the salary. Radiation Technologists make plenty of money, believe me on that one. In some states,you may earn up to the range of $50,000 to $60,000 on salary! But, in order to get that much, you need to take certain classes, courses, optional career paths, and other voluntary options. In some states, like California, you can take time to get training from your employer’s company and that can earn really high money.
I was hired as a radiographer in a local hospital. I gained a lot of clinical experiences in the healthcare setting. I fell in love with job, I enjoyed helping people. This gave me an opportunity to meet people and be compassionate about the sick. After a few years of working as a radiographer, I took some more certification courses and exams in computed Tomography (CT scan) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which boosted my skills and knowledge as a radiologic technologist. Because of my love for information technology, I took a course and exam in medical imaging informatics and was certified as an imaging informatics professional (CIIP).
Radiologic technology is a satisfying and rewarding career. It is a technical and refined science. As a radiological technologist, there are many essential duties and responsibilities that have to be fulfilled in order to be a good one. First of all, radiological technologists have to maintain a well-mannered and professional behavior when gathering information. They have to assure their patients that they are in good hands therefore; they give patients the uppermost quality of care and services. Second of all, the main responsibility of a healthcare provider is to keep all knowledge of a patient’s health record confidential or secluded. That means radiological technologists cannot talk about patients at home or with friends and classmates
“Excuse me ma’am I think you need your medicine, let me listen to your heart beat,” that’s what I use to say to my dolls. I have always had a passion for caring for others. I knew I would be in the medical field. My goal when I was a child was to become a pediatrician, but my past, present, and future has had numerous unexpected ups and downs.
I currently attend Baton Rouge General School of Radiologic Technology to pursue an Associates degree through Northwestern State University. I chose this profession because I always want to help others. I want to play a part in the healing process of patients. Being able to help people determine things going on inside their body interest me and that is why I chose Radiology. The true definition of a Radiologic Technologist is the “medical personnel who perform diagnostic imaging examinations and administer radiation therapy treatments. They are educated in anatomy, patient positioning, examination techniques, equipment protocols, radiation safety, radiation protection and basic patient care”. This definition makes this job seem easy but it is not an easy job at all. We do so much pushing, pulling, and lifting of patients it is physically exhausting. When I first chose this profession I did not think there would be this much to taking images of someone. It is more than just placing a patient somewhere and
There are also many in betweens that fall in radiology such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), specials, cath lab, mammography, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine. People can even go into management in the radiology field or expand out into sales of radiology equipment. This field is also always in the top three annual revenue services in every hospital so it is not a field that will be disappearing anytime in the future. With scientific advancements always changing, there are no limits to where radiology can go in the future and may even find new diagnostic studies that can be performed to help more people in need. Although radiology is a great career choice, it does come with its down side. Technologists in many portions of the radiologic sciences are exposed to certain amounts of radiation which has a negative effect on the human body. There are many safety precautions that technologists have to take like wearing lead shields anytime they are in the exam room with patients, and they also must record their employee dose, or their personal radiation intake, by wearing a dosimeter and having the readings checked monthly to insure that they are not getting over radiated over a certain amount of time. Overall, this is a very good career choice and also makes me feel better to potentially help
“because they are not accepting any applicants for the sonography program right now, too full!”
Every night, as I sat on the table with my younger brothers assisting them with their homework, I hear a familiar sound at the door. As she walks her heels click, and I can hear her searching her bag for her keys, the next thing I know the keys are in the lock and as it turns me and my younger brothers’ jump. We run to the door and indeed we scream in unison “Mommy’s home”, one by one she gives us a hug and a kiss. My mother asks us how our day was, and if we finished our homework, she then looks to me and said “did you cook and assist your younger ones with their homework”; I replied “yes mom”. As I warm the food, I take my mother’s purse, jacket, and shoes put them away and prepare the table for her to eat dinner. As I glance at the
Professionalism can be defined as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.”(Merriam-webster) My interpretation of this definition is that professionalism is a standard that we must hold ourselves accountable to in order to provide the best service. How do we get from a basic understanding of this definition, to practicing and applying professionalism? Major attributes that lead to professionalism can include accountability, communication and reflective practice. Reflective practice in the healthcare system is when “practitioners engage in a continuous cycle of self-observation and self evaluation in order to understand their own actions and the reactions they prompt in themselves” (becoming a better university teacher…). In the day-to-day life, everyone performs a type of reflection whether it is by unconscious thought or by habit. When it is unintentional it is hard to learn and grow from the knowledge that can potentially be gained. Therefore we need to find a way to effectively incorporate reflective practice into our daily lives, especially as radiation therapy students.