
I Will Never Use It My Life Anyway

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Sage is only nine years old, but she is as baffled as a middle-aged brain surgeon resolving an abnormal medical case. Sage does not have ill clients before her, or years of grueling medical school behind her, but she does have fourth grade math homework that she simply cannot comprehend. She rips up her worksheet of equations, while thinking three thoughts: 1) “This is too advanced for me.” 2) “I cannot learn how to do this.” 3) “If I did, I will never use it my life anyway.” This is an unfortunate ending to an evening of homework, but this incident, although common, is 100% preventable. One may wonder what could possibly motivate an aggravated student, but there is an answer to this question, and a remedy to Sage’s distraught: a better teacher. A high-quality teacher can have an influence on his or her students that reaches far beyond the classroom. A study conducted by Professor Eigil Pedersen of The Harvard Educational Review followed three classes of students for 25 years, and found that the students of one particular first grade teacher, “Miss A,” were affected by her for life; “an astonishing 64% possessed high adult status” and “0% were among low status adults” (Fallon). Researchers were able to take these results and methodically eliminate alternative hypotheses to support the idea that it was Miss A’s first-grade teaching that shaped these exceptional outcomes among her students. For example, Miss A did not have “better students” in her class than other teachers,

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