I wish my students knew… I wish that my students knew that I believe in them. I want them to realize that whatever weaknesses they think they have or failures they think they possess is not relevant to me. I want them to know that this is a new year, a new grade and a new beginning. I want them to know that I have BIG plans to support each and every one of them--that whatever happens, I have their backs and they can count on me. I wish my students knew that I pray for them. I wish they knew that everyday when we do our moment of silence, I take the time to pray that they are safe, that they are successful, and that they are surrounded with friends and family who love and support them unconditionally. I wish my students knew that. I wish
Hi guys, today I am going to be talking about defining and deciding for the 5-D process. In order to decide what number to first use in your problem, you find the thing that has the least information, for example, "Sarah had 5 times and 1 less cookies than Cara, and Fey had 2 times as much as Cara. In all there was 103 cookies. How many cookies did each girl make?" In this problem you would start with Cara because she has the least information, so she would be first in our equation, represented by X. The results of total cookies Cara made will help us find out our other variables by giving us that base number to find the totals. For instance if Cara had made 13 cookies, to find how many Sarah had we would multiply X(5)-1 to equal 64 cookies,
The Nu Moorish International Group of Science and Development Mir No.10 is here to improve the development
Anything is Pawzible is a dog training facility that is located in Chicago, Illinois. Anything is Pawzible was founded in the year 2001. This dog training facility conducts group classes as well as private consults. Anything is Pawzible carries out agility classes. Their group classes include Puppy Pawzibilities, Basic Plus Pawzibilities, Basic Pawzibilities, Dog Therapy Pawzibilities, Advanced Pawzibilities, Bark Around The Park, and Tricks For Kicks. Anything is Pawzible offers the Private Pawzibilities including obedience work, behavioral consultations, as well as child and pet adaptation. The owner and founder of this company, Rendy Schuchat, M.A. has been recognized multiple times by the Chicagoland Tails Reader’s Choice Awards as among
The Power of Representation in Media Throughout history, Black people have been grossly misrepresented in the media, leading to consequences that translate off the screen and into real life. The pervasive media stereotypes of the Black community show just how important accurate depictions of Black people are today. l;The movie, Get Out, directed by Jordan Peele, shows how these stereotypes are not only unrealistic, they are also harmful. Another typical portrayal is that Black people do not show any emotions besides anger, sass, or complicity. However, in Get Out, Chris is seen as a character with depth and a full range of emotions.
Throughout most of my days in my basketball gym class my teacher Mr.Blatt had taught us some important fundamental skills. One of the skills I feel that was very important for anybody to know is the Lay-ups.Lay-ups are the backbone of any team offense and every player's offensive repertoire. Without the threat of a lay-up being made, all other shots could become next to impossible to make it. Just imagine if you had to defend your team knowing that lay-ups were not allowed. What offense and, what screens would be set or, even one – on – one move would you make if you could not properly execute a lay-up? Yet the lay-up is the shot we spend the least time on and, it’s the most ignored shot of all.
One in 16 men will be a victim of sexual assault during college. (Krebs et al., 2007)
In the book, “They Say, I Say”, what they say is in order for someone to become a good writer he or she has to practice being a great writer. A legion of books needs to be read by up and coming writers, even from unknown authors. It is a technique that writers need to keep practicing at, such as cooking, playing the piano, or even something as basic as riding a bike. Expressing their thoughts through writing is important as an author. Some of their thoughts may be controversial and that is okay. Writers should not play it safe to avoid arguments with people that disagree with them. Authors need to recognize that it is okay to agree to disagree. Writers need to understand why they disagree or agree on certain topics they read or write about
Every single day I have to ride my bicycle throughout the city of Miami. The perks I would say is that it is safer for the environment by causing less pollution in the air and I get a good cardio workout every day. The negative outcome of not having a car however is that I almost get hit or what feels like killed every other hour on the street. But how the person perceives this situation is really what is at hand. I take the time every once in a while and stop near a park or by a lake and just admire nature in its vast beauty and how truly wonderful it is to be alive, most people do not see how much of a blessing it is to just wake up every single day and being healthy. Having to worry about the weather is another issue that I have to be constantly worrying about, but thankfully at the end of the day it is just a little rain, unless it is a tremendous storm which dramatically increases my chance of being killed while riding my bike.
Lee Greenwood said, “And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” Everyone in America should be proud that they live in a free country. These rights occurred due to the men who died while honoring the country. The America I believe in is giving us the power to be free and to speak.
The sight of the sun shining down on the grass reminds me of what happens after dinner. The food is ready, the sound of my mom and dad coming behind us and getting us for dinner and the yummy smell of what we will eat. My twin sister, Lauren who looks like a mirror me, and I go to our kid table while my parents eat at the dinner table. My mom and dad put our food in our special Care Bear food plate. We eat and talk about our day together until we finish dinner. Now it's time for our family walk!
As a young girl, I had dreams of being an artist, a veterinarian, a chef, a gymnast, and even an actress; however, the idea of being an interpreter never struck me as intriguing until my sophomore year of high school. Once the idea was implanted in my brain, I knew that I wanted to major in Spanish. Since it is difficult to build a career based on a foreign language alone, I started considering earning a second major as well. When someone suggested that I would be a perfect fit for the business field, I knew that was the right fit for me. I have high hopes of attending the University of Saint Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota next fall in pursuit of a double major in International Business and Spanish. I then hope to earn a master’s degree in
I remember my favorite teacher vividly even though I sat in her class many years ago. I have so many fond memories of her and took so much from her class. I can only dream of touching a child’s life in the way my favorite teacher touched mine. For just one student to think of me in the same way would make all the years of hard work worth the effort. I also want my students achieve many accomplishments. I want them to use and remember what they have learned in my class. I also want them to have a broad spectrum of knowledge. I want each student to do their best and go as far as they can. I want them to feel a sense of accomplishment and be proud of themselves. I want to be the teacher who is encouraging, supportive, and pushes her students to be their best.
I first had feelings for a girl when I was about six years old. I remember a conversation I had with my friends in year 1 or 2; I was arguing that it was normal to kiss your friends who were the same sex. I told them I and my best friend Caitlin kiss all the time, and she sort of begrudgingly agreed. To prove it I pecked her on the cheek. She didn't look uncomfortable exactly, but she wasn't into it like I was. It felt natural to me, completely normal, and I used to think I was just being friendly and affectionate.
The journey in taking my Master’s degree is an experience I will never forget. While the end is getting near, it is never a goodbye but a welcome to the next chapter of my career. I took this class with hope and faith to be able to broaden my knowledge about teaching ELL students. My passion in teaching has become intense. I have a new perspective about learning after a year of hard work and digging deeply in understanding the “other side” of teaching. I have to say there was a point in my career when I literally want to give up. Teaching indeed brings a lot of unwanted and unexpected results to students and to teachers as well. I will take this opportunity to say good luck to my classmates. I wish everybody to be successful in the field that
3) Let students know that you care about them. Although many of us assume our students know this it 's not necessarily the case. Let the students know that you want them to succeed, whether it be to pass your latest test, or class, or graduate from college and get a good job. Let them know that you appreciate the work they do on classwork, or a test, or homework. Take the time