
I Wonder What It Will Be Like

Decent Essays

“I wonder what it will be like,” Akachi and Amara thought as they walked through the doors of New World High School. As Akachi and Amara walked through the halls of their new school, they met with curious faces of teachers and students around. They walked towards the end of the hall to the principal’s office. Once, they reached the office, there was a big wooden desk and stood behind it was a tall, skinny man. “Welcome, to New York Akachi and Amara, I am your new principal, Mr. Harold” said the man. After discussing, what they would have to do, Amara and Akachi went to their first period classes and started off their journey for a better education and a better life in the new world. As Amara, entered her history class she was very frightened. Everyone turned around and looked at her and the room filled with murmurs. Amara walked in and as she was walking, she tripped and fell on someone’s book bag. People giggled, looking at her fall and Amara turned red in embarrassment. She got up and walked to a seat in the back and Mrs. Carter introduced her to everyone and then said for them to take their seats. Mrs. Carter welcomed Amara and everyone just looked at her clothing. She was wearing a colorful traditional Igbo wrap which is was very common for girls back in her village. Amara felt awkward seeing her new classmates stare at her clothing. Mrs. Carter started teaching the lesson the class had already started. Since, this was new for Amara, she was quite perplexed and the

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