
I 'll Fly Away Is Highly Creative And The Imagination Shines

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I’ll FLY AWAY is highly creative and the imagination shines. The idea of a baby falling to earth, having the ability to fly, and being raised by human feels refreshing and unique. There’s a lot to really like about this script from the delightful and colorful characters to the visual storytelling. The plot engages from the opening to the end. The tone nicely blends humor with drama. There are several worthy goals for the protagonist, Wonder Boy: hide his secret, become a famous magician, save his parents farm, and eventually return home. The stakes are high. The script uses a flashback structure to tell the story. The first act does a terrific job of setting up Wonder Boy’s ordinary world. The idea of him being found by human parents and raised as their own is believable. The idea that he can float is fun and amusing. The idea of him watching Murrison, who comes out of the television, is a delight. There are many smart story choices such as a bully learning Wonder Boy’s secret, Wonder Boy seeing Tommy’s “horns” and their childhood rivalry spanning years into adulthood over the same woman. The need to save his human parents’ farm raises the stakes. The story is moved forward by his desire to become a professional magician and he teams up with Margaret. There’s a great midpoint when “angry Tommy” reveals Wonder Boy’s secret, yet no one believes him. There’s a ticking clock tension that his true identity will be discovered. However, there are still some areas

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