
ICAP Class Reflection

Decent Essays

For my ICAP unit I wrote my lessons on living and nonliving things and how they adapt to their environment. My teacher assigned this topic to me. I am glad my teacher assigned me a science topic. This school focuses a lot on math and language arts so science gets left out a lot so I am glad I could teach a fun lesson in the classroom. My unit fits in with what they were learning during language arts. There would be times my lesson ended up being a preview of what they would learn or would be a review. It worked out well to have them read or hear about different animals and environments then later do an activity. It helped them learn the facts in many different ways. Something else I had to consider while writing lessons are what they already learned. Living and nonliving things are something that is covered in every grade. I had to make sure I was building on what they already knew. I didn’t want to make my lessons something they already knew, but I didn’t want to make it so hard they didn’t understand.
My class is very diverse when it comes to the students learning levels. I have some students that have a really hard time focusing and needs lots of reminders to stay on topic. Because of this, I decided to make a lot of my lessons group lessons. I would sterically plan my pairs or groups that if there where students that had a hard time focusing, they would be paired with students that can keep them on track as well as be kind to them. I know sometimes students that

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