
ISIS: The Spread Of Terrorism

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The description you get of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) from people is not pleasant. George W. Bush has called ISIS “evildoers,” President Obama described ISIS as a spread of “cancer” over the Middle East, and John Kerry called ISIS “valueless evil” (, “The Islamic State: Background”). ISIS is the wealthiest, and most land controlling terrorist organization in history. This dangerous terrorist group needs to be stopped. As ISIS is a growing threat to the World’s safety, we as a nation need to work on limiting supplies to the Syrian people, border control into the United States, reduce ISIS’s income, along with continuing airstrikes and troops controlling the ground. With these series of tasks the …show more content…

The group began in 2004 originally as part of Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda group. ISIS has been increasing in size by self-selecting its followers and committing mass genocide of …show more content…

Donald Trump, who is known for being outspoken, has an idea. He wants to end ISIS forcefully. ISIS and Assad are mortal enemies so Trump wants us to let ISIS go fight Assad and then we come in and “pick up the remnants”. In other words, Trump wants us to lay off of ISIS and Syria for a while, let ISIS destroy Assad, and then we come in when that is all done to finish ISIS. Trump says “Look, with ISIS in Iraq, you got to knock them out. You got to knock them out. You got to fight them, and add boots on the ground if needed.” Trump also thinks we should have a strong military so nobody will mess with us. The problem with Trump’s plan is that ISIS wants to take over the world. They are so barbaric and controlling they are only going to expand and gain more power if we keep putting them off. At first President Obama thought that airstrikes on the main cities of Iraq would be enough, but now he has sent in special forces on land as of December 1st, 2015. Obama authorized airstrikes over Syria and told the nation he would send an additional 475 troops to Iraq in a non-combat role (Wescott). Sending troops over to Iraq and Syria for a declared war is basically making a decade long commitment to war and thousands of dead American soldiers. The US has also sent airstrikes to Libya last year taking out Libya's previous leader, Abu Nabil. Increase of control in Libya is likely to increase the level of international and

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