
IT Industry Essay

Decent Essays

Bangladesh’s software and IT service industry has gone through big changes in the last couple of decades. The industry has matured. The IT sector no longer remains at the sidelined industry. It has become a mainstream industry. The industry is currently contributing a significant amount in the national income. Also IT sector has been playing very essential role for creating high quality employment for large amounts of young graduates of Bangladesh. There is a high number of young entrepreneurs in the IT sector. It is one of the distinguishing feature of the IT industry. In last decade lots of new IT ventures have been started. The entrepreneurs were mainly tech savvy young graduates. Some of them returned from abroad after finishing …show more content…

These do business for both local and international markets. The total industry worth is projected to be around Tk. 1,800 crore.
Approximately 30,000 professionals are employed in this industry. The majority of them are IT and other graduates. The contribution to overall employment creation is not very high compared to most traditional mainstream industry. In terms of making high quality employment, software and IT service industry is one of the top graduate employment areas in the country. The average monthly compensation over Tk. 15,000 per month in this industry.
BASIS has carried out a survey on three hundred of its member IT companies. The Analysis was mainly done on the business volume, size and business nature of these businesses. More than 70% of the firms are involved in development and maintenance of software. They mainly do it for external clients. Some of those firms are also engaged in providing different IT enabled services for clients at the same time. Almost half of the surveyed companies are involved in providing a wide range of IT enabled services. These services include data/form processing, content management, graphic/web design etc. Also a large number of businesses have developed software based products and services. These have been developed over time after frequent installations for the clients. A number of companies are targeting the digital content development market. Then there is also the

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