
Nt1330 Unit 3 Essay

Good Essays

Ch 19
1. What changes does FTP make to an ASCII file when you download it in ASCII mode to a windows machine from a Linux server? What changes are made when you download the file to a Mac?
Unix, Linux, etc uses only a line feed at the end of each line. So transferring to a Window will add a carriage return to each line.

New Mac's are Linux-based, transferring from a Linux to a Mac shouldn't change anything.
2. What happens if you transfer an executable program file in ASCII mode?

The file will be corrupted: Any bytes that match a NEWLINE will be altered, resulting in a program that will not execute properly.

3. When would FTP be a better choice than SFTP?
When downloading public files

4. How would you prevent a local …show more content…

9. After downloading a file, you find out that it doesn’t match the MD5 checksum provided. Downloading the file again gives the same incorrect checksum. What have you done wrong and how would fix it?

It can be a few different things, maybe the file was corrupted. It could also be the site where you downloaded it from. It could be the different settings you have set for SFTP were not allowing you to download.

10. How would you configure vsftpd to run through xinetd, and what would be the main advantage of this approach?
To configure vsftpd to run through xinetd, set listen=NO in
/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf, and create an xinetd configuration file for vsftpd in /etc/xinetd.d. This configuration allows you to provide finer-grained access control to the server.

Ch. 26

1. How would you tell Apache that your content is in /usr/local/www?

What you want is the DocumentRoot and Directory directives in the Apache configuration file.
In your case these should be DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www" and

2. How would you instruct an Apache server to listen on Port 81 instead of Port 80?
In httpd.conf, change the directive
Listen 80 to
Listen 81
3. How would you enable Sam to publish Web pages from his ~/website directory directory but not allow anyone else to publish to the web? You could just add an Alias and Directory directive to your site

4. Apache must be started as root. Why?

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