
Iago Honesty Quotes In Othello

Decent Essays

Iago ignores the idea of him being a decent man to the point that he brainwashes others into thinking he is honest, and then he takes advantage of it for his own desires. When planning to isolate a cheerful marriage, or looking for revenge on other people, he will use such phrases as, “As honest as I am” and “in the sincerity of love and honest kindness”. None of these quotes represent the true emotions of Iago. As a matter of fact, in Act 1 scene 1, Iago told to Roderigo that only a fool would play the part of being an honest individual, and he suggests putting oneself before honesty which is the exact thing that Iago himself does.
In the play Othello, with love being an important theme, Iago manipulates Othello into believing that Desdemona

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