
Identification of Anthrax Infections

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The environmental pathogen I chose from the California Code of Regulations, Title 17 is anthrax. The anthrax genus is Bacillus and the species is anthracis, it is a Gram-positive spore-forming bacillus. The methods of identification for anthrax are three different types the first one is a skin lesion that has evolved over 2 to 6 days from a papule, through a vesicular stage to a depressed black eschar, with considerable swelling around the lesion. The second one is a respiratory illness of abrupt onset followed by the development of dyspnoea progressing to hypoxia, with X-ray evidence of mediastinal widening. The third identification of anthrax is abdominal distress that is followed by fever and signs of septicaemia which is rare and 90% of cases are cutaneous anthrax. The incubation period for anthrax for cutaneous is typically 1 day, for inhalational is within 7 days although incubation periods up to 60 days are possible, and gastrointestinal is usually for 3 to 7 days. The reservoir for anthrax is soil, infected animals such as sheep’s, goat’s horses, and pigs. The mode of transmission for anthrax is when humans handle or consume products from infected animals, from being bitten by flies who have fed or infected animals, by inhaling anthrax spores or through cuts and abrasions that become infected with contaminated soil. The symptoms of anthrax are high fever, chills, or night sweats. Flu-like symptoms and sore throat followed by difficulty in swallowing, enlarged

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