There could be a strong possibility that the therapist could make her feel uncomfortable, and push her back to the wall. The assessment is very much needed, because nothing can be determined about the client. The reality therapy is centered on the client, it’s totally mission is to allow the client to relate to their problems. When the client finishes with the temper tantrum, the list of alternatives will be listed for her to choose. Keeping it clear to the client that they are always in control of the behaviors and choices in life. The reality techniques that could benefit Candy, patience and slowly peeling layer by layer away the unwanted things that have been probing at her. There ought to be no reason why Candy wouldn’t want to release
What it means to be american to me is hard work.This country was built on hard work and it still
What does it mean to be American? It is a privilege to be American because I know that I am safe from the things that plague the minds of people living in other places and I have the right to vote and be free. Some of the ways that I represented these main ideals and feelings on my collage was by adding words like Proud, Safe, and Religious Freedom and by adding things like the I voted sticker and the words I’m Free. I featured pictures from different American patriotic holidays, quotes, important documents and songs, and pieces from our money and absurd measurement systems. Us Americans like to be unique, so we try to set ourselves apart with inventions such as the pickup truck, backwards baseball hat, and air conditioner, which I included
Being an American is having freedom and respecting our country. American isn't always awesome place. People make bad decisions and do stupid things,but American is beautiful place. First thing to do to respect are country is to say” The Pledge of Allegiance” in school. Second things is if you are at a game standing up and put your hand on our heart for The Star Stander Bender and third appreciate our troops that fight are country or who fought and lost there lives for us. It’s not that hard,but rude people don’t like to support American.
What it means to be an American, to me it means to fight for this great country that our God created, the same god who made everyone of us. I also feel it's my duty if our country goes into a major war, then I feel I should go and fight for what's right. Therefore I also feel that everyone was made equal and we are the same we are people and Americans so why can't we all matter. To me no one is more popular or bigger than anyone we are all Americans and people, the people who think they are bigger and more popular than anyone else they like to think they are, but they really aren't. Like Hillary clinton she likes to think she is all good and she is all innocent of what the things we Americans said she did,
In this essay I'm going to talk about what it means to be an American. while explaining what it means to truly be an American. One thing about being American is being able to choose anything you want to pursue say you want to become a basketball player, musician, janitor, and many other opportunities in America an American has, being American is a lot easier then many people think but it is also hard there are challenges that come with the life of an average American just as well as there are rewards that come with it.
I believe that being an American means many different things many different people. To me being an American means to have certain freedoms that American citizens have that people around the rest of the world do not have the privilege to do or have. Like every United States citizen has unalienable rights, every single United States citizen is an American, and that the majority of people will have good living conditions.
With all the controversy in what it means to be American at this point in history, coming to a consensus on the meaning of the term is crucial. The meaning of being an American can often be tied to one’s emotional connection to the United States of America. If this attachment is taken away from the definition of the word, the most authentic and traditional interpretation of what it means to be an American is revealed. To be an American means to be a citizen of the United States and to align yourself with the ideals of America.
I believe that what it means to be an American is to struggle,not be accepted for you are,and to feel and be treated as someone less then other people. To be an American is to struggle with being undocumented and not being able to have a an actual document stating you went to school and have and education. “The federal dream act, which would have provided a path for undocumented children and would penalize states that failed to provide in-state tuition for undocumented students, failed to make it through congress in 2011. (I’m American too’:Undocumented students wait for Obama)” This is a key factor as to why being an American isn’t always
Being an American means to have opportunities that are available to us that others don’t get in other parts of the world. The United States of America is a country that is based on being a free country for citizens to have more freedom than anywhere else. It is one of the only countries that give rights to people of different diversities and genders. To be an American means to have opportunities, rights, and freedom.
When you live in the United States you cannot vote until you are eighteen years old, but why eighteen? Why not sixteen, which is when you are considered old enough to be trusted behind the wheel, or thirteen which is when you are no longer considered a “child”, but are now a “teenager”? Why can a sixteen year old drive around, yet they can’t vote on who is going to be running the country in which they live? If teenagers had more of a say in what was happening in the government wouldn’t that make them want to understand more about the government and how it works? Why should they care about politics when they know they can’t do anything to change the problems anyway? If they were given a chance to share their opinion wouldn’t that engage them
Throughout my lifetime, I have had many experiences that altered me forever. The best experience that has ever happened to me was when I moved to America from Egypt. Moving to another country like America was the most life –changing experience I have ever encountered. I lived in Egypt for ten years with my parents and older brother. My family was wealthy, my mother was a lawyer, and my father was a geologist. I attended a strict Catholic school when I was in kindergarten. We had to wear a uniform every day and have it clean and ironed. Afterwards, my parents transferred me to a public school because it was closer to home. The transition into the public school was difficult because it was hard for me to make friends at that time. When we
Fireworks cracking and lighting up the sky, hot dogs cooking on the grill, and a cold drink in a red, white, and blue paper cup. It is the forth of July, Independence day, the day Americans put all of their worries to the side to celebrate the freedom of the country that they live in, America. Those who live in the USA may experience more freedom and comfort then those who live in other parts of the world. America is highly praised for their education, diverse crowds, and socially accepting everyone despite their race, religion, or special needs.
Forty three percent of the world prefers to live in The United States, but why is it
People today all have different and unique backgrounds, mine in particular is very different than your average American teenager. I am the daughter of two very religious Iraqi immigrants who left their homeland behind because they are Christians. This has shaped how I am because it shows me how blessed I truly am to be born and raised in a country where I do not have to be worried about being an Assyrian Christian. My family and my Assyrian community have taught me and raised me to be the person I am today, they have been the ones who shaped me into a grown woman that will one day be one of best physicians in the world.
If I only had one hour of internet left I would I would ask everybody for their phone numbers and download a bunch of videos and tutorials in case of an emergency. I would probably watch let’s plays and lots of other things on netflix. I would download movies and entire tv series so that I wouldn’t run out of content to watch and keep me occupied. Another thing I would do is save a ton of pictures that I could use as drawing inspiration.