
Identity Development Model for LGBT Population

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Cass (1979) introduced, what is still today, the most widely used identity development model for the LGBT population. It was thought that gay identity development would serve as the most significant moderator of the physiological stress response. Findings from this study suggest that it affects the stress response, but not to the degree that was expected. It is possible that a Gay Identity Questionnaire (GIQ) will not accurately capture the gay identity development, or that the homogeneity of the sample might not produce statistically significant results. However, as one of the post-hoc analyses self-esteem could account for more of the variance in the stress response. It is not to suggest that gay identity development is not an important construct to understand, but perhaps it could be captured more accurately. Mohr and Fassinger (2000) identified the many dimensions to the gay and lesbian experience. It might be that this current study could support the difficulty in quantitatively measuring one's global identity development, as many individuals possess countless identities and mood can significantly affect one's response to the test items. As with any generalization, one must be cautious in its interpretation.

Self-esteem appears to be similar to gay identity, in that it is difficult to capture its true effect on an individual's health, although there is an exorbitant amount of literature that supports its protective properties (Henley, 2010). In this study, self-esteem

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