
Idiot Drivers

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While driving down the highway many people have noticed different types of drivers. There are the ones that go way too fast, way too slow, listening to music with the volume all of the way up, or the ones that seem fairly responsible. Leading comedian George Carlin ask the question, “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?” He put a name to two types of drivers; nevertheless, there are more than just idiots or maniacs. In fact, there are four main categories of drivers. In addition to idiots and maniacs, there are defensive drivers and jammers. Everyone has different personalities, and it shows while they are driving. The first driving personality is the idiot drivers, and no they are not idiotic people driving around town. Idiot drivers are those that drive like a grandma, also known as Sunday drivers. This means they always drive well below the speed limit, usually in a no passing zone. Idiot drivers like to take in the details and enjoy the slower pace of life. Typically idiot drivers seem to not care about getting places; however, they really just enjoy the ride and the beauty of the journey. They do not mind when others become upset with them for driving so slow. Idiots really are not idiots, they just have a different vibe about how they live their lives.
On the other end of the spectrum of drivers are maniac drivers. Maniacs, better known as the road ragers, are considered the “bad boys” of

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