
If You Love Good Food And Love Eating Then Chances Are

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If you love good food and love eating then chances are you can turn into a great cook if you have the interest to learn. I personally started to learn cooking as a child only to give mom a break in the kitchen, this developed into an interest that I have pursued ever since. Cooking to me should be quick, not very laborious and taste very good. In order to become a fairly good cook I followed these steps below and hope it is of help to you too.1) Always be willing to learn new techniques, tips and ideas that will help improve the taste of your dishes. Do not be shy or proud to ask another person about their recipe or techniques used.2) Dedicate a spiral notebook to writing favorite recipes from immediate family members, extended family, …show more content…

Always remember to share your recipes just as someone else was willing to share their special recipe with you!
Artichokes can be a little intimidating to those who have never cooked them. They look like something inedible, but they really are very good when properly prepared, and they are very easy to cook. Once you discover the best way to prepare and cook artichokes they are sure to become a healthy favorite. Consider the following information on the best way to choose, cook, and serve artichokes, and make artichokes a part of your regular diet. Get the kids to try these delicious and nutritious green veggies. Chances are they will enjoy artichokes too! Selecting Artichokes Choosing artichokes can be just as confusing as how to cook these tasty vegetables. When shopping for artichokes, keep in mind that smaller selections have leaves that are tender, and larger ones have larger hearts. Choosing the best is a matter of personal preference. Also, longer stems can be a plus - if you choose to cook the stems. The stems make a delicious appetizer when peeled and boiled until tender, or they can be included on the same serving dish as whole artichokes. The Best Method of Preparation before Cooking Before beginning to cook these strange looking veggies that

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