
Ignorance And Ignorance

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Ignorance can be defined as the lack of knowledge, experience, and information, or what I would say to be the most fatal feature in the human race. I am a control freak, for lack of better words. My childhood was filled with many uncontrollable events (divorce, moving, death, and injuries). So, starting in 7th grade I began to plan my entire life, in hopes of controlling the uncontrollable. As a college Junior, I still continue to solidify many life plans; where I will work after college, who I will marry, how the proposal will go, what food I will have at my wedding, how many children I will have, what kind of car I will drive, and where my future home will be. This is what you call insanity and ignorance.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). I was raised in a Christian home and my faith has continued to flourish throughout my college years. When trying to find my purpose in life and who God created me to be, I look at this verse from Jeremiah. I am able to find comfort in that fact that I do not need to be in control because God the Father is! He has a plan for my entire life; every smile, every tear, every struggle, and every triumph. And through it all, He uses it to help me become the person I need to be. Throughout life, we look to control every little detail and become ignorant to the power of God. We feel that our plans for life are greater than His, so

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