Jorge Romo
Ms. Thompson
Junior English 2nd Hour
February 28, 2017
Illegal Immigration in American
The United States of America is one of the greatest countries on this earth. Since the day it was founded, many men and women died while building this country into the nation it is today. But there is a problem that threatens America today and it is illegal immigration. The definition of an illegal immigrant is a foreigner who enters the U.S. without proper authorization. Especially a person who crosses the border to avoid inspection. In the year 2014 there were 11.1 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. according to the Pew Research Center. Many immigrants come to the U.S. in search for a better life. About fifty-two percent of all
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Authors David Haugen and Susan Musser wrote, “While Washington plays politics with border security, the politicians’ inaction is leading to increased drug trafficking, human trafficking, and gang activity in the border states”(73). Illegal immigration is bringing and increasing crimes along the border states which will soon spread to inner states if the politicians don’t do something about it. Haugen and Musser also stated, “The Mexican economy does not provide living wages for its growing population, and their solution is to export their poor to our country”(71). Mexico is just passing their problems onto the U.S. we shouldn 't take care of the people they failed to take care of. Illegal immigration is a problem that is needed to be dealt with.
In order to keep America safe, the politicians must upgrade security for the border. Evidence to back this up is in Haugen and Musser’s book. Haugen and Musser wrote:
“Once a fence is in place and we restore order on the border, our ability to handle guest worker programs and related issues becomes possible. Only when the border is truly secure will Americans trust Washington to pass a comprehensive immigration system that works”(71).
If we build and upgrade the border we can focus on bigger problems to immigration. An example of how the border should be upgraded is in Crest’s book “Immigration”. Crest states:
“Motion sensors were buried in the ground. High-resolution infrared cameras
Lourdes Medrano is a strong advocate for immigration reform to strengthen the border and the security manning the border. She supports her argument by showing how President George W. Bush’s surge on the US-Mexican border. President Bush doubled the man power along the border, while leading the technological advance on the border. Medrano shows how President Bush brought immigration reform into the spotlight, when roughly 1.6 million immigrants where entering the US illegally. Now the number is historically lower at 356,873 immigrants. The budget for the border patrol has been steadily increasing 1.1 billion in 2001 to 3.5 billion in 2012. Medrano presents how President Bush signed the Secure Fence Act in 2006, which authorized 700 miles of fencing. This his directly contributed to 651 miles of fencing created by 2012. Surge on immigration reform has also doubled the man power from 2001 to 2012, which is exactly what President Bush envisioned. With the border patrol now being a division of Homeland Security and help from the national guard, they have grown much bigger then what they once were. Even the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says that “our borders have, in fact, never been stronger.”
Another reason why the United states should not increase the border security is since the immigrants are most likely to figure a way around it anyways why spend more money than we need to? Think about it in order to increase the border security they will need money to pay for
Mexican border secured would be a rise for the economy growth and/or goods and services ("The US-Mexican…). Officers encounter many violent scenes at the border. People get shot in a car and they are sometimes hidden in unexpected places and the cause of the killing are by drug traffickers. Bringing drugs to the U.S. is a disadvantage for immigrants and it is one of the reasons why immigrants should not be allowed to cross. When immigrants cross the border to the U.S. they risks themselves by being forces to take drugs with them. All criminal activities happen in the border and they bring weapons, drugs, and money ("The US-Mexican…). For bringing all these items the national security are
Our border system has flaws that need to be fixed, especially in this day and age where our fear lies in terrorism and violence.
The immigration patterns of the United States have fluctuated over the years, some years having little while others see a rising amount of immigrants, both legal and illegal, looking for opportunities to improve their lives. The amount of illegal immigration is a problem since many take advantage of the social services provided by the government without contributing towards the country since they are not citizens and many people see these illegal immigrants as a threat to their employment. Illegal immigrants do affect the U.S negatively in a number of ways, but if those illegal immigrants were to have a safe passageway towards gaining citizenship, the immigrants would contribute greatly towards the
oreigners, refugees, migrants, immigrants, and the government has been causing trouble for the U.S borders. The government should just get this problem over with. Create a complicated security system and select the people who are allowed to pass. It’s just as simple as creating a problem but only to have one person to solve that single problem. Instinctively, the president should think about the problems with the borders and solve all of it soon.
Border crisis in Texas was published in an online national review on June 2014 and was directed towards those in the political field or those in disfavor of the president’s job in the area of controlling the borders. The author focuses on the governments’ lack of follow through with the procedure regarding illegal immigration. In addition, the author claims the government is making the problem worse by the lack of follow through. The claims are well thought out and possibly justified, but there is a lack of sufficient documentation or back-up to the claims.
Although the issue with illegal immigration is prominent, the solution is not as clear. Some say the annual quota of 20,000 Mexicans should be raised (Anderson 65). This does not help the fact that there is a 5-9 year wait for over 1 million immigrants to enter the country legally (Anderson 57). "Most illegals are of working age and looking for jobs" (Anderson 57). They don't want to wait years to get a job. Otherwise, there would not be near as many people crossing the border every year. Some people call for a border fence in order to lower the number of illegals (Marcovitz 27). In 2006, Congress began a $2.5 billion project to fence nearly 700 miles of the Mexican border (Marcovitz 27). Many are still pushing for the entire border to be fenced off (Marcovitz 27). Currently, only about one third of the border has been fenced, and over 1,000 miles still remain open (Marcovitz 28). The fence is patrolled by border officers. In 1992 there were about 3,500 border patrol officers. In 2010 that number had grown to over 20,000 (Marcovitz
This year’s election cycle brought heated debates and discussions about many things; “the wall”, free trade, NAFTA, immigration issues, borders security and policy issues. Regardless of which side of the political isle you stand, which way the political winds sway in Washington D.C., one thing is certain not to change with the election cycle, and that is, the actual physical border between The United States and Mexico. Therefore, if we can’t change that, and we can’t, then there needs to be solutions to problems that continue to exist between the two sovereign countries. Trade and Security are two of the most important factors for neighboring countries and they must not be ignored. Beyond just good political, diplomatic, and strategic vision it is important to understand there are cultural, education and diversity complexities which takes tremendous and often times delicate maneuvering to come together for the greater good of both economies and governments, as millions of people rely on successful trade agreements and security.
One of the pros for building the fence is that “control of the borders are required for national security”. With the rise of terrorist groups around the world including
Illegal immigration has plagued the United States since immigration laws were created, and has worsened in recent history. Since Ronald Reagan’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 provided amnesty for 3 million illegal aliens in exchange for increased border security, millions of people have entered the country illegally. Over the past 30 years, the illegal immigrant population of the country has more than doubled from 5 million in 1986 to over 11.5 million in 2015. It has become one of the most controversial political issues in America. While not every undocumented alien is a bad or dangerous person, illegal immigrants in general are a national security threat, harmful to the economy, and a burden on the social welfare system. The best solution to the illegal alien problem is to secure and enforce the border, purge American territory of every person unlawfully trespassing upon it, and reform the immigration system to make it easier for foreigners to enter the United States legally like people have done for centuries.
The United States border with Mexico is a controversial topic that has been the subject of debate recently. It is without question a problem that needs to be fixed. Currently most policies are focused on the manpower, infrastructure, and security of the border itself. However the border security is changed there will always be a demand for illegal immigrants and drug smugglers to cross the border into America. That why we should try to disrupt that demand by legalizing marijuana in the United States, put more resources into fighting cartels, and invest into the Mexican economy. These are the first steps to regaining border security to both countries.
The United States of America has always been a refuge where poor and oppressed people from the far corners of the world can come to begin a new life. Much of the nation’s allure to prospective immigrants is in its promise of equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, or color. But the pressures of rising unemployment rates, congested cities, a crippled healthcare system, and national debt skyrocketing out of control have caused America to defend her borders against the influx of immigrants that threaten her already ailing economy. Still, despite all the heightened security measures incorporated in recent decades, a steady stream of immigrants continue to enter the country illegally. The Washington Times reports that there are
During this survey 51% of Americans believe they are competing over jobs against the undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. with job permits. Less than 40% didn 't believe this was an issue, others weren 't sure about it.The common methods of traveling are by land, sea, and air (airplane). Every method, even the easiest one (airplane), contains an unlawful doing, for example coming by air needs FAKE identification. Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and other countries, come to America escaping the high amount of crimes and poverty, like homicide, gang activity, robbery, rape, homelessness, lack of jobs, corruption of the government, etc. Homicide is common in central american countries. El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras have the highest amount of homicides, each day about 43 to 45 people die from these occurrences. According to studies done by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, more than half of the children of Central America cross the border because of safety concerns back home. Most of the children 's home countries are full of gang violence, drug dealing. Research done by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection state that Central American children prefer to risk their lives in the border than back in their home countries. Although most of them come from dangerous countries doesn’t mean all of them are the same. Most of these countries don’t have available jobs, and if they do, their pay doesn’t prevail for a whole week.
For ages, the United States has seemed to be the country where people seek to move to for a better life. The United States was built on immigrants. People have always migrated to the United States both legally and illegally. The main problem the country has face with immigrants is the amount that trespass the border illegally. Illegal immigration is the unlawful act of crossing a national border(Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons). The illegal immigrant population keeps growing at an annual average of about 300,000 people(Currie 10). In the recent year of 2014, there were about 11.3 million undocumented people living in the United States(Krogstad). Many have asked what harm they do to both the economy and the American citizen. Although there are many arguments as to how much harm they cause, there are as many arguments stating illegal immigration benefits the United States. Illegal immigration has a positive impact in the United States within the consumers, the working class, and the overall economy.