
Imagination Vs Memory : Description Of A Struggle

Decent Essays

Imagination vs Memory in Description of A Struggle Human memory has been the most fascinating aspect of scientific human study for many years. Memory is, according to Webster’s Dictionary, “the storing of things learned and retained from an organism 's activity or experience as evidenced by modification of structure or behavior or by recall and recognition.” Every person, whether long or short term, has memories and had an “I remember” moment in their life at some point of time. This moment triggers neurons in the brain that recognizes with familiarity. But can memory be confused with imagination? Since both qualities are using the active mind, it is possible to share some of the same limits. Each are able to effect the other, memory can …show more content…

What will happen to me? Am I to be just kicked out of the world? I’ll believe that when I see it! No, he won’t get rid of me.” (30)

This young man is lost in his own mind, conflicted between what may currently be happening, what he doesn’t want to happen, and how he personal feels about his “acquaintance.” What Kafka may be concluding from this character is that personal feelings, reflection and experience can affect the thought process, what we remember, and ultimately what we imagine. This character knows he is lost in thought, “I followed without realizing it, for I was busy thinking of what he had said.” which could possibly mean that much of story is just his thinking not actually his reality. He may still be at the “tiny table [with] three curved, thin legs” (25) imagining his entire experience with his acquaintance. Both the young man and his acquaintance use the words “imagine”, “dream” and “memories” interchangeably, proving shakey thought processes. The young man goes on to say:
“Oh well, memories...Yes, even remembering in itself is sad, yet how much more its object! Don 't let yourself in for things like that, it 's not for you and not for me. It only weakens one 's present position without strengthening the former one -- nothing is more obvious -- quite apart from the fact that the former one doesn 't need strengthening. Do you think I have no memories? Oh, ten for every one of yours...” (32)

While speaking to his acquaintance the young man

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