
Immigration Policy On Immigration

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The famous singer-songwriter, Conor Oberst, told huffington post, “How we treat the undocumented says a great deal about us as a people and whether or not we'll continue to fulfill the fundamental American promise of equality and opportunity for all.” According to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 240,255 people were deported in the year 2016. However, this year the number of arrest have rose up to 38 percent (Gomez). The number of people being deported have been increasing every year. The reason behind the increase of number is unfair hearings and policy of deportation. The United States Immigration System should change their policies on deportation because it violates the constitutional rights and exposes the inequality towards immigrants. Current The United States Immigration System (USIC) policy is inhumane to the country and its legal system. There have been many incidents of brutal deportation where person is being hurt or experienced inhumanity. As stated by Mallory Shelbourne in the article published in The Hill, “The administrative complaint includes accounts from multiple women who were detained by [Immigrations and Customs Enforcement] while pregnant, including one woman who said she was unable to obtain medical attention after telling officials she was pregnant and bleeding.” This exemplified the cruelty of officials in the process. Pregnant women or any medical seeking person should be taken care by officials regardless of their immigration status.

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