
Immigration Status: A Personal Analysis

Decent Essays

Psychology is a great subject to learn about. It is wide-range information that helps people on daily basis to recognize certain behaviors that practicing by people around us and to develop oneself better. There are a lot of interesting topics in this course that I would like to talk about; however, immigration status is the one that applied to me the most since I’m an immigrant. About eight-years ago, my family decided to moved to the U.S for a better future which also the day that marks my history. It’s very challenging to assimilate into a different culture and to learn a different language. My parents had a tough time finding a job to keep food on the table because they had partially education with no English. As time goes on, everything …show more content…

However, I’m a independent person, I dislike the way my parents are being overprotective and monitor everything a child doing, I even got frustrated when they did that to my sister. And again, family crisis began to happen. At that time, when I was 18 my parents didn’t realized my personality and how I wanted to live my life. I was matured earlier than my age, my parents didn’t know the fact that being independent doesn’t mean ignoring the love of my mentors. My mom started to stresses out and blames on my girlfriend for taking away her lovely son. Because the fact that she is a helicopter type of parent which clearly explains the way she isI. t’s just every mom’s perception about a son having a girlfriend. They always thinks when there is another women walks into their son’s life, they are no longer has an impact on their child. It’s really tough for me to live in family. Because the way I perceive life is far different from my parents. It’s not about age or experience that ones have gone through, but it’s how an individual chose to live. Even now, I’m already a grown up, sometimes my mom still wants to treat me as a five …show more content…

During my high school years, I hung out with really bad kids. They smoke, they drink on the weekend, and more than half of them dropped out of school when they were 18 and most gotten into troubles. However, I was the odd one of that group. I hung out with bad kids but my grades are still high. I joined them in the party on the weekend but I didn’t smoke or drink. I just stay in the group because I found joy when I was with them but I don’t take in the bad stuff that they practiced. In my junior year, I had already known what I will become in the future and what I have to do to reach my goal. Having that perception helped me a lot because I saved most of the time in college to focus on my major rather than wondering around without knowing what to study about or what to do with life. Consequently, psychology is a wonderful subject to learn about. It’s not just a course that ones come to class to get the grade then move on, it teaches an individual how to perceives actions from others and comprehend behaviors of people around

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