
My Immigration Experience

Good Essays

About 13% of the United States population are immigrants. Most immigrants come to the United States due to the many opportunities that this country offers. The American dream is often referring to the ideal life that an immigrant might obtain in the United States. The American dream is different for everyone, some want to study, others will like to be homeowners, or become rich; whichever goal an immigrant sets for themselves once they arrive in the U.S becomes their American dream. There are several factors that stop immigrants from achieving their goals, for example the language barrier, a complete change in lifestyle, and even racism. However, the biggest struggle for an immigrant is not to adapt to their new ambiance; the most difficult …show more content…

My journey began when I was 13 years old and my father decided that it was time for me to move to the U.S in order to study. I arrived to the United State in September of 2013, I arrived in time for the begging of the school year. I attended Dover high school for my freshman and sophomore year, something that really stuck with me was the insane number of Hispanics in that town; at least half of the students were Hispanic or were of Hispanic descent. The first problem that I faced upon arriving was the language barrier; I had studied English in my home country, but my knowledge of the language was not enough to establish a conversation. I was put in the ESL, English as a second language, program. Most of the students in the program had been living in the U.S for a few years already, all of them spoke Spanish. However, all of the students had a heavy accent when speaking Spanish due to the lack of use of the language. At this point I realized that in order to learn English faster I would have to sacrifice speaking Spanish. However, I did not want to lose my connection that I had with my homeland. Therefore, I decided to take half of my classes in the ESL program and take regular classes for the rest. At first, my English improved quite fast, but my Spanish suffered as I notice that I was struggling in my Spanish class. Personally, I am not a very good writer, but the fact that I had difficulties writing my native language felt …show more content…

Everyone has a different motive to learn the language, in my case, I was required to learn English in order to take higher level classes. Others learn the language in order to get a job or even to avoid embarrassment. I used to be very embarrass by my accent when speaking English; it is something that lowers your self-stem since you are trying your best but are still unable to communicate as you would desire. Many people racist towards immigrants for not being fluent in English. I have been discriminated for stuttering while speaking, it isn’t something that you would desire for anyone. The fact that you are thought as less than others simply because you cannot pronounce some specific words is ridiculous. I know many people that refuse to speak English because of their accent; they can speak perfectly fine but have an accent on certain words. In most cases, someone made fun of their accent and felt embarrass to the point where they avoid speaking the language

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