
Impact Of Economic Development On Agriculture

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In developing countries, economic development necessarily implies improvement in agricultural economy. Agriculture has changed worldwide dramatically and particularly in India in recent times mainly due to technological innovation leading to farm mechanization, extensive and widespread use of chemical fertilizers and specialization. This, being the positive side of the development, has also resulted in reduced demand for labour, significant increase in cost of production, besides, of course, depletion of topsoil, contamination of ground water, decline in family farming, neglect of farm labour along with their living and working conditions, reduced cultivable area due to growth of urbanization and industrialization and rampant legal and illegal mining activities. It has also affected in terms of economic and social disintegration of families in rural areas. The first and foremost problem in India is the raising of agricultural productivity. This depends on various factors, such as physical, material, institutional, technical, and agrarian. The role of marketing in this sphere is more crucial. Marketing may help in reducing the charges for marketing service by eliminating the chain of middlemen and to have the minimum difference between the buying and the selling prices. Marketing of agricultural produce is considered as an integral part of agriculture, since an agriculturist is encouraged to make more investment and to increase production. Thus, there is an increasing

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