
Impact Of Entrepreneurs On The Industrial Revolution

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The entrepreneurs had a great effect on the Industrial Revolution because they were working with inventors who had ideas to make things better and work more efficiently. They would pay inventors to keep working on ideas and that would therefore make them more money Entrepreneurs were contributing ideas to the industrialization in the areas of transportation, agriculture, and the population increase demands. Enclosures were made to increase crops. Farmers and landowners were able to try new agricultural methods. The seed drill was developed by Jethro Tull which led to better crop yields from betters planting methods. Crop rotation was developed by scientific farmers so farmers switched what they planted each year so they then had …show more content…

I agree with this statement because the steam engine was an essential machine they needed at the time. The steam engine was the first development. They were needing a convenient source of cheap power. In 705, coal miner had actually used steam powered pumps to remove water from deep mine shafts. When the first steam engine was invented it was very expensive because of all the fuel it had to burn. But, a man named James Walt figured out a way to solve those problems. He was able to make the steam engine work faster and more efficiently along with burning less fuel. Watt was a mathematical instrument maker at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Watt later worked for Matthew Boulton who was an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is someone who financially backs a product and works to manage and make it better. Boulton paid Watt to try to build engines even better and make more efficient. Agriculture, transportation, increased population, and entrepreneurs all contributed to the Industrial Revolution. The invention of the steam impacted all of these areas. Steam could move boats. Robert Fulton, an American inventor, made the Clermont, a steamboat that carried people along the Hudson River in New York. Canals and waterways in England were created which improved water transportation. Within 150 years, 4,250 miles of channels cut the cost of moving materials and goods greatly. Both road and water transportation

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