
Impact Of Technology On The Organization Of The Human Race

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Technology can most simply be described as the advantageous application of information in the application, Fabrication, and scheme of goods and services for use in the organization of the human race. By seeing the definition of technology we can understand why it plays such a big role in society today. Due to the utilization of technology, our specifications of living has expanded. Technology has opened many different doors that were closed before. New different forms of technology are invented every day. Technology is the driving force behind most of the tasks in our daily lives. With technology we can take care of our needs without much complication. Technology has brought forth progressions in countless different …show more content…

With all of these advancements in our society, the majority of patients are still given handwritten medication prescriptions, and very few patients are able to email their physician or even schedule an appointment to see a provider without speaking to a live receptionist.5 Although technology has played a big role in health care most hospitals have not adopted Electronic health records. Alot of hospitals including this 100 bed hospital are still using paper systems. Paper Records have been used for years and have been proven to have a lot of faults within the system. Paper records can easily be destroyed, they are often misinterpreted due to inadequate handwriting, and Records can be misunderstood or misconstrued when written from spoken words, just to name a few of the many problems associated with paper records. President Obama recognized the disparities in healthcare and on february 17,2009 he signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. One of the sections of the ARRA included the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act which allocated a little over 19 billion dollars to the development of health information systems within hospitals.The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act set out to strengthen and develop health Information technology systems to revamp the transmission of healthcare within the United States by offering incentives for the implementation of Electronic Health Systems and

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