
Impact of Martin Luther

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"Luther was a German patriot. He was never a nationalist in the modern sense of the word. Luther was, above all, a pastor, professor of theology and iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. Luther has been variously identified as an advocate of absolute monarchy, democracy, individual freedom, intellectual repression, nationalism, internationalism, spirituality and secularism. He was a religious figure; his battles were fought over theological issues that may seem to us obscure but whose implications touched every area of life, individual and corporate. Some people consider Luther to be the apostle of absolutism, some later autocrats certainly claimed him as a founding father" (Wilson, 2007 p. 19). Hergenhahn (2009) showed …show more content…

Over the years scores of university students lodged with the Luther's and it is thanks to some of them that we have the celebrated Table Talk, a collection of obiter dicta on all manner of subjects with which the great man regaled his guests at meal times" (p. 20).

Phillips (1970) says "Desiderius Eramus (1466-1536) a Dutch humanist, he was an ordained priest of the Roman Catholic Church and studied at the Univ. of Paris. Erasmus combined vast learning with a fine style, a keen and sometimes sharp humor, moderation, and tolerance. His position on the Reformation was widely denounced, especially by Martin Luther, who had first looked on Erasmus as an ally because of Erasmus' attacks on clerical abuse and lay ignorance. Erasmus was finally brought into open conflict with Luther and attacked his position on predestination in On the Freedom of the Will. Then Luther came to understand justification as entirely the work of God. This teaching by Luther was clearly expressed in his 1525 publication On the Bondage of the Will, which was written in response to On Free Will by Desiderius Erasmus (1524)" (p. 24).

Important note and this was interesting, but I do not remember where I read it but it said something like "If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever-is any other position than Luther’s possible?" -

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