
Implementation Methods : Independent Choice Reading

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Implementation Methods
Independent Choice Reading Independent choice reading time follows the same aspects as independent reading. Independent choice reading follows independent reading by giving students time to read (Miller 2012). Miller states that she uses at least 30 minutes in her high school classes. However, she states, “As much as 15 minutes of extra students reading time can be gain in class each day be designating reading as the only activity for any class time not used for instruction and practice” (Miller 2012, p.89).
However, the exception is on choice one of the debatable components of independent reading. Some programs label children with levels and students are only allowed to read certain books on their level or books chosen by the teacher. For independent choice reading, students are allowed to choose books of their own interest. Miller (2012, p.89) quotes, “….no single practice inspires my students to read as much as the opportunity to choose their own books does.” Research under independent reading is in support of students’ given choices.
Miller (2012) is also states that she conferences with her students during their independent reading time. Conferencing was a component of accountability in the debatable components section of independent reading. However, later in the AR research Schmidt (2008) discovers that conferencing was a great strategy to use to achieve the 21st century standards because it required high order thinking.
Finally, a study

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