
Implementation Of Additive Manufacturing At The Intermediate Level

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You pack everything that you think you need for deployment. You conduct your demand analysis that leads you to believe that what you packed is just what you need. Every deployment you had been on before confirms that those are the assets that will lead you to mission success. However, this deployment is different and just about everything you brought is not required and to source it from else where will take too long. In the near future the most viable solution will be to print it. As 3D printing now formally known as Additive Manufacturing (AM) evolves, the possibility of have everything you need at your fingertips will have a profound impact on your operational readiness. Implementation of additive manufacturing at the Intermediate level (I Level) of a Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron, will drastically reduce the acquisition and production lead-times associated with low demand items, items that are impacted with obsolescence, and drastically reduce cost and footprint of conventional logistic models. One advantage of AM is dramatically reducing acquisition and production lead-time associated with low demand items. Currently, Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA) demand forecasting is predicated on either previous demand history or flight hours which will determine how much to buy and how much to stock. This formula is great for the high demand and major end items as they are more predictable with continuous monitoring for any changes in pattern. Utilizing this forecasting

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