
Implementing A Proactive Push Scheme Based On The Http / 2 Server Push

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The first paper proposed a proactive push scheme based on the HTTP/2 server-push feature, the second paper, on the other hand, improved the push method from fixed numbers into adaptive numbers based on multiple factors.

In this section, we will compare two outstanding papers with different parameters in the following four metrics:

(a) Number of requests
The definition of number of requests is the total number of HTTP requests sent by the client during the streaming of the video. This metric measures the protocol overhead generated on the network. Before HTTP/2, each packet required by the client needs a separate HTTP request sent from client to server. The server will then send the HTTP response with the video segment as the payload. With HTTP/2, the it is not needed any more that the client sends a new request for each segment. The server will push the subsequent segments to the clients and therefore reduce the overhead to the network. So, we expect an as lowest as possible number of this metric.
From the experiment results of the two selected paper, we can get the data of number of requests as follows, methods metrics
Method of [3]
Method of [4]
N = 1
N = 2
N = 3
N = 4 a=0.6 A=0.4
Number of request
Figure 9. The comparison of number of requests for methods [3] and [4]

The parameter ‘N’ in the method of [3] means the number of segments to be pushed to the client each time.
The parameter ‘a’ in the method of [4] is the key coefficient of the

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