
Implementing An Adequate Performance Development System ( Pds )

Good Essays

How would you, as a manager, implement the PDS from Lincoln Electric into a retail business such as in case 19, the stockroom?

To implement an adequate performance development system (PDS), a manager must first communicate the expectations and goals of the company they work for (Scandura, 2016).
Managers can establish the requirements and minimal expectations for individual employees, and lessen some of the confusion that may arouse forthcoming, by doing accordingly. “The first step in the PDS which is to share the business plan and how each employee plays a role in that plan this action coincides with it. (Maciariello, 2009).” “Managers have to create a motivating workplace for each employee, to help motivate the employees …show more content…

Furthermore, it provides the manager with a snapshot of what areas an employee need improvement on.

With that being said, implementing a system, such as PDS, does not require a great deal of planning. However, it does require the manager to adequately communicate expectations, as well as work continuously at motivating his or her employees (Scandura, 2016). Only then, can a manager fully reap the rewards of a performance development system.

How would you accomplish this in your workplace? Communicating information to employees is vital in the workplace if one wants to successful incorporate implementation at work. “Moreover, communication is the key to establishing an open environment where people can trust their management staff (Palmer Group, 2014).”
Furthermore, as the PDS indirectly showcases, it is a medium for communicating expectations and results from managers to employees.
In order, to be successful, closing the gap and establishing a thorough communication platform, designed for each department will help the system function effectively. For my company to adopt a PDS system in our workplace, the need for this system would thoroughly have to be explained first. Instantly following the creation of the platforms for each department, I would have to pitch the requirements and expectation of everyone involved or that will be involved in the process immediately after introducing it.

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